A farewell letter read into the record today

Apr 18, 2009 11:16

“To the Corporate Office, Officers, Directors, Royal Families, Membership, and visitors to the Society for Creative Anachronism I send these last greetings as your Vice President of Operations and Society Seneschal.
First and foremost I would like to thank the tens of thousands of participants for six years of challenges, learning-experiences, and opportunities to serve and to observe excellence on a grand scale. Few of us have had the pleasure of even a single term in this space, and to be blessed with two is a gift beyond measure.
For every challenge and tragedy, I have seen a hundred shining examples of why we all came together to begin with. For every loss there are a thousand victories. Your voices have all sung loud in the hall, have been heard even when I did not want to hear, and have helped change the face of our organization. I applaud everyone who provides comment and who provide constructive feedback when they feel so moved. No seven Directors or seven officers can steer so large a ship through rough waters without a strong crew and many hands on deck.
Whether it is ten thousand members donating over a half million dollars in time, money and goods to victims of hurricanes, amazing rescues of horses from California Wildfires by equestrian groups, the donation of thousands of toys to children living in poverty, and volunteers with FEMA and the Red Cross, I cannot fail to be overwhelmed and impressed with the boundless kindness of the SCA. Please never lose that sense of community and responsibility.
As a performer on many stages I am well aware that every show runs its course, every tale becomes a bit stale, and every song becomes old at some point-no matter how catchy the tune. I thank you for your kind attention to my personal act-well-supported by 91 Kingdom and Principality Seneschals and special deputies during my tenure.
With the passing of time, comes the need for change and you will have positive change with my successor Kimberly Harvey, Countess Kenna Harve. You may look far and seek long and not fine another soul more dedicated to this organization. I know that the ship will continue through the straits in good order, and under hands more-skilled than mine.
My final request of the Kingdoms and the people for whom I have long served is that you take some time to look around you and applaud someone who is doing a good job. It will not be a burden or take long as excellence surrounds us.
Warm winds
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