this is a request to all of my f-list. Given that it looks like I'll have all of jack to do, I thought maybe I could make it a goal to acomplish one fan-thing a day. I'm hoping if you guys could help me out with giving me one of each of the list below, I could use them as prompts. (Also, to get done most of the December gifts I owe you.)
Each bullet is compleatly unrelated to the others. And hey, if you want to fill it out more then once, I won't complain, but what I'm begging for is if each of you could do it once.
- character, 'ship, and episode from a fandom I know
- 1-4 related images or a link to a page of a collection of images (ie; a page with screencaps [page 4 of 1x06 caps])
- adjective, noun and verb
- expression or cliché
- first name, object, colour
- song title or line from a song
- month and date (within the last year)
- [(seven numbers b/t 01-20), (six numbers b/t 01-10), (three numbers b/t 01-50)] or, just mash on your number pad to make a long string of digets and I can seperate them.
Thanks in advance, guys. I really appreciate this.
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