So yeah. That's me. And Colin Baker.
It took quite a while to work myself up to actually approaching the guy. Which, now that I've typed it out, sounds silly. I mean, he's just a person, right? So what if he.. uh.. used to be and/or still is the Doctor. He's just a person, like anyone else, and I should be able to talk to him like any other person. Right. My brain doesn't quite agree with me on this point, though, so I'm ridiculously nervous and I'm pretty sure anyone in the immediate vicinity could have heard my heart racing like mad. When I work up the courage to actually approach him, words are a bit slippery and I'm not sure I got much out except "please," "thank you," and "It's lovely to meet you. Really, really very lovely." I'm not sure exactly what I said, but I recall using the word "lovely" a lot. And grinning like a loon, no doubt. In exchange, he signed a picture for me, called me "my dear," and gave me something that may or may not be definable as a hug. Whatever you want to call it, it was nice enough. I had some serious issues remembering how exactly to do things like stand and walk and speak for a little while afterwards.
And, yeah, that's about it. Isn't that enough?