From Marta:
1) How do you feel about leaving South?
I have pretty mixed feelings about it. On one hand, I'm really excited about going to college. I liked South, but I wasn't crazy about it, and I really don't feel like I have much in common with alot of people here, and it's cool that I get to go to a school where I think I'll connect with more people. Plus, it's college. But at the same time, the friends I've made here at South have been amazing, and I feel really bad about leaving them. I can safely say that Senior year (specifically the second half), has been the most fun I've had in my life, and I've made alot of new awesome friends that I feel bad about leaving. But this time had to come eventually, and I think I'm ready for it. I've always sort of liked big changes in my life - it makes things interesting, so for the most part I'm looking forwards to it.
2) Where's your favorite place to just be?
This will sound kind of wierd, but on the roof of Splash on Needham Street. (It's really easy to get there, there's a staircase leading right to it). You're pretty much always alone when you're there, and you can kinda feel like you're being badass at the same time even though you really aren't. (A policeman watched me go up there and didn't do anything.) Harvard Square is another excellent place as well.
3) If you could be any age, what age would you be?
I guess this seems kind of like a cop out, but I really like the age I'm at right now. I already said that this is the best time I"ve had in my life so far, and I really like it. I'm not in any hurry to grow up, being young seems like the best time, so I guess maybe just slightly younger than I am now?
4) Are you absolutely obsessive-compulsive about anything?
I guess so, yeah. I have mild OCD so it would make sense, but I'm really not that bad about it. I guess I'm still such a music geek that I get obsessive compulsive about listening to CDs right after I buy them. I have to listen to the CD itself (i.e. not on my Ipod), and I have to listen to the entire thing, in order, in one sitting, without skipping/replaying tracks.
5) What's your favorite thing to eat for breakfast?
It's actually pretty wierd, because even though most of my favorite foods are breakfast foods, I don't actually eat breakfast ususally. (Instead I just have like waffles for lunch or something.) I guess pancakes have to be the best though. With syrup, of course.
From Maddy:
1) What gave you the inspiration for your new LJ persona? (icon & username)
Actually, there is a story! Basically it was supposed to be farfisa (a kind of organ which sounds really cool and stereolab uses alot), but as it turned out I had no idea how to spell it. When I found out it was wrong, I decided I liked this name just as much anyways, so I stuck with it. The icon is from Amelie. I saw the picture in the movie and thought it would make a good icon. I still do!
2) What excites you the most about college?
There are alot of things, of course, but I guess one of the biggest things is that it's apparently a very relaxed, intellectual place. I look forward to having random intellectual discussions about random crap with people. I guess that sounds really prentious, but whatever. It sounds fun.
3) Do you hug trees?
I have at times! I haven't been doing too much of it lately, trees are actually starting to piss me off. Well, not really. But they always get worms in my hair.
4) If you could have one superpower, what would it be?
Definetly invisiblilty. As cool as other ones seem, invisibility is definetly the most useful. You can basically go wherever you want and do whatever you want.
5) What quality do you like most about yourself?
I guess this will seem pretty lame, but I think I'm a pretty nice person and I tend to think positively about other people. Not everyone, of course, but I think I try to be nice all the time, and I always feel really bad every time I say bad things about people. This is a quality I like alot in other people, and so I guess I like it in myself too. Hopefully I'm not totally wrong and everyone else doesn't think I'm a total bitch or anything.
1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
2. I will respond by asking you five questions, possibly creepy/personal.
3. You WILL update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.