From Cas:
1. Do you ever wear a different sweatshirt?
No! When I find clothes I like I wear them all the time. Plus I stole it from my mom, and I have to prove that it's now my territory.
2. Have you ever tried to look cool and collected to impress a girl?
Haha I'm sure I must have at some point. I guess it didn't work out too well though, because now that's pertty much the opposite of how I work now.
3. Why do they make some streets one way?
Apparently so that I can fucking get pulled over for driving the wrong way on it. Most embarassing driving experience evva.
4. Complete the following statement: "If I had a bassoon made of beef jerky, I would..."
Feed it to indians? While playing a march and stealing their land.
5. Favorite knock knock joke?
Knock Knock?
Who's there?
Interrupting Bear.
Interrupting Bear who?
This one only works in the winter.
From Janaka
1) Why a new username?
I never liked the old one, I was just too lazy to change it. I figured it was a good idea to do it before I went to college though.
2) How'd you meet Chamith?
The first time I met him was at Abie's good bye party. Apparently he was intimidated by me! Wierd. But I don't think I actually started hanging out with him until I joined Monday's Avatar.
3) How do you feel about the Oak hill bus accident?
This is going to sound wierd, but I never felt like it bothered me as much as it should have I guess. 7th grade was the worst year of my life even without the bus crash, and as selfish as it sounds, I was probably too wrapped up in my own problems to be too affected by the death of four people I honestly barely knew. Over the years, I've felt really bad about this, but I've just never been able to get myself to have any strong feelings about it. I always tell myself it's because I'm more disturbed by people purposely killing each other than by freak accidents, but I kinda feel like that's just a cheap excuse for not being able to feel anything. That being said, I do really feel bad for people who were good friends of theirs. I have no idea what I would have done if, say, Nick had been one of those people.
4) Why isn't Willy named Dwight?
A complex variety of socioeconomic reasons.
5) Railroad crossing without any cars. Can you spell it without any R's?
Ailaod cossing without any Cas?
Feel free to ask me for in interview! You all know the deal.