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so can we talk about how NN and FC are telling the President of OTW what to do? anonymous November 13 2011, 01:31:05 UTC

It's a long thread, but here's the crux of it:

Jinjur created the writeboard (internal brainstorming form thing) for a strategic plan in December of last year, so literally one of her first acts with the new board, has been quietly working on laying the groundwork for it in cooperation with a group of us, and when Jenny, Julia and I mentioned it in our candidate statements in October of this year that we wanted a plan and were working in various ways toward one, we were ordered to stop immediately until the board could decide whether Jinjur really was allowed to do what the board had already told her to do.

Let me make sure I have this correctly:

The chair of the board has been told by someone/s to stop working on a strategic plan for the organisation because she doesn't have the authority to do so. Jinjurly (Allison ( ... )


Re: so can we talk about how NN and FC are telling the President of OTW what to do? anonymous November 13 2011, 01:46:28 UTC
...Is anyone else seriously starting to wonder if OTW will survive the coming year?


Re: so can we talk about how NN and FC are telling the President of OTW what to do? anonymous November 13 2011, 01:56:12 UTC

Yeah. I am. Sounds to me like the thing is rotting out from the inside, and can't last much longer.

It makes me sad. I really don't care much about the other supposed missions of the OTW, but I was just starting to use the Archive and it'll be disappointing if it goes dark.

I'm hoping that when the inevitable collapse finally happens, someone will step forward and take the archive over and build it into the thing it was supposed to be. But I am sure not counting on that.


Re: so can we talk about how NN and FC are telling the President of OTW what to do? anonymous November 13 2011, 01:56:51 UTC
Depends whether they have the money. I am sure if push comes to shove, they can use the threat of Ao3 closing to drum up more. /shrug Based on what coding-anon said above about the problems with the code, I have to wonder whether it is sustainable over the next five years, though, as they keep burning through wranglers.

Now, whether the non-AO3 projects have a chance is a more uncertain question.


Re: so can we talk about how NN and FC are telling the President of OTW what to do? anonymous November 13 2011, 02:21:27 UTC
/raises hand

I've just backed up the only fic I had posted exclusively to AO3, anyway.

The only thing I'm really worried about is the survival of Yuletide since there are other archives.


Re: so can we talk about how NN and FC are telling the President of OTW what to do? anonymous November 13 2011, 02:28:28 UTC
Man, this is really ironic, since one of the things the AO3 was founded for was to be a stable, eternal archive.


Re: so can we talk about how NN and FC are telling the President of OTW what to do? anonymous November 13 2011, 04:27:55 UTC
AYRT Uh-huh. That's one of the reasons I was so hesitant to use AO3 in the first place, actually. I've been in fandom for 14 years and the idea of a stable, eternal archive makes me laugh - ff.n is the closest thing any of my fandoms have to that and, well.


Re: so can we talk about how NN and FC are telling the President of OTW what to do? anonymous November 13 2011, 20:52:29 UTC
Yeah, I've only been in fandom for about half that time but I've seen a ton of many fic websites and personal LJs deleted (not to mention stuff outside personal control like the loss of Geocities). It was interesting when someone earlier asked about a fic that had gone and a number of people had it on download sites -- maybe cloud storage is the way to go. But that would have its own headaches.


Re: so can we talk about how NN and FC are telling the President of OTW what to do? anonymous November 13 2011, 02:26:58 UTC
It might limp through the year, but I don't think it's sustainable long term in its current incarnation. I don't see it exploding and vanishing over night, but I can see its membership dwindling as more and more people become disillusioned and leave until it becomes a small and increasingly irrelevant cabal largely ignored by the bulk of fandom (and if you're feeling the urge to insert a joke about how it already is at this point, feel free).


Re: so can we talk about how NN and FC are telling the President of OTW what to do? anonymous November 13 2011, 02:31:35 UTC
Wow. Okay, I just want to know, is there some kind of neutral forum / debate place where potential voters can actually talk to the candidates about things done / plans etc?

Because right now it looks like everyone who has *any* idea about the inside desperately wants NN out, but they don't have the power to do so, and she's going to be in anyway. (I wondering now, if the absence of voter privilege for the volunteers, is in fact a deliberate move by TPTB.)


Re: so can we talk about how NN and FC are telling the President of OTW what to do? anonymous November 13 2011, 02:44:06 UTC
I read the by-laws of OTW yesterday (I think it was yesterday) and I think that any board member can be removed if there is a majority vote by the voting members OR if a majority of the board vote to remove them.

So, I can see why anyone on the board would be horrified at the thought of removing FC or NN from the board because holy political landmine, Batman. But it is possible for them to both be removed.

I'm curious about the sides that seem to be developing here. It looks from the outside that Lucy Pearson was just driven out of the election because she didn't want to step into the middle of the political mess that the board is likely to be this upcoming year. I am pretty sure at this point that N. Sanders is definitely not going to be someone to sit in FC or NN's pocket and go along with the status quo and she probably will be a great advocate for the rest of the org (I wasn't sure about that at first, but the more info that comes out the better she looks to me).


Re: so can we talk about how NN and FC are telling the President of OTW what to do? anonymous November 13 2011, 02:46:12 UTC
Oh, about your first question. Most of the candidates have been answering questions on their LJs/DWs. I haven't seen any neutral forum that is dedicated to a less formal exchange of ideas, but I think that would be nice to see.


Re: so can we talk about how NN and FC are telling the President of OTW what to do? anonymous November 13 2011, 07:12:25 UTC
NA At this stage, I want a BNF* to organise a forum. Preferably a neutral party - a post where all the members go to talk it out or something. Or set up an LJ for all of them to campaign at (they have LJs, right?) and everyone can go there and talk to (at?) them. I have no idea how well that would work.

*BNF because more likely to get people listening and involved. But a concerted group of people might work.


Re: so can we talk about how NN and FC are telling the President of OTW what to do? anonymous November 13 2011, 02:49:46 UTC
None of TPTB were responsible for determining the elections policy.

Copra's post spells out some of the issues and why unpaid voter-privilege for volunteers would be really difficult to do in a way that both makes voter-fraud difficult and protects the separation between pseuds and real names.

There's also some discussion particularly in comments of the time/workload commitment required of tracking volunteer hours in order to make it work.



Re: so can we talk about how NN and FC are telling the President of OTW what to do? anonymous November 13 2011, 09:18:18 UTC
Toss it up on Journalfen's fandom_discuss?


Re: so can we talk about how NN and FC are telling the President of OTW what to do? anonymous November 13 2011, 09:29:33 UTC
Possible. Fandom_discuss is a PyriteJenny comm though - isn't she super busy or something? That would make for a less than ideal modding experience.


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