Sometimes, I think I forget that my feelings are valid. That it's okay to be upset with a friend and it's not the end of the world.
I spend so much time pleasing people (at work, with my friends) and acting as a sounding board for everybody else, I don't know who to talk to when I need somebody.
So days like today, when I'm irrationally upset and ready to cry at the drop of a hat (thank you PMS), I'm so worried about not hurting anybody's feelings that I spent all day sitting on my bed, trying not cry, but not really wanting to talk about it, because it's probably silly and I'm sure I'm over-reacting and anybody who knows the friend that I'm upset with is going to be in the middle. I don't want people to think I'm complaining.
I should just take some sleep aids and pass out, before I end up crying myself to sleep because I feel like I'm being ignored.
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