never been to the tweeter center before, we get there, theres a pole pretty much in front of us, we nearly had lawn seats, but there was the big tv also right in front of us. so, sort of thinking "wow, this is gonna suck", its amazing how i can honestly say that was the best concert i have ever been to.
the living end opened, they played about 8 or 9 songs, with nonstop soloing in between their 30 minute set. their bassist had an acoustic/electric bass. or at least thats what i'd like to think. it was huge, and looked acoustic, and plaid, but yeah. the highlights of their set: the guitarist doing some amazing solos while holding his beer in his hands; the bassist playing while standing on top of his bass; and the fact that they sound just like they do on cd, except maybe even better.
no doubt played next. as many people know, i never really liked them before, then slowly started getting more and more into them. and they opened with "i'm just a girl" and stuff, and they were amazing. not only is gwens voice not modified at all on the cds.. the show and the way they played was great. it sounded really good, and i wanted to dance the whole time. and i hate dancing. needless to say, i like them now.
so at this point, i was anxious as hell for blink 182 to play. i've heard so much shit about how they suck live because the voices don't sound the same and yada yada. and i decided that the living end and no doubt were probably now my favorite live bands- alongside autopilot off and nfg. they were playing these 4 (maybe 5) commericals randomly on repeat on the tv.. they played through 9 friggin times before blink actually started. now, my rant about blink.
it started with tom delonge standing out by his self, waving a huge blink 182 flag. you hear the drums kick in, and he runs off to guitar, and "feeling this" starts. toms voice sounded excellent, in that whiny sort of tom delonge way that i love. and because of this show, mark hoppus is even more of one of my favorite singers. he does that thing i love.. when bands sing, and they don't sing the correct notes, but they sing another note of the chord that sounds just as good/better. i can't describe it.. right after feeling this, they played "easy target" and that sounded awesome. and if people say that blink don't tell jokes like they used to- oh dear, they didn't stop. i will say it again, blink are my heroes. mark hoppus is my hero. and his voice is amazing. mark talked about how everyone had to listen to him, then had to listen to tom because hes his best friend, and tom said something about "not only my best friend, my bestest friend ever!" i found that cute, haha. and then when mark was talking about how they love boston, tom was all, "i love naked men. ..i meant boston" and then the typical "yo mama" jokes. except its all the funny when they say "your mother" and when its mark and tom. and before stay together for the kids, i was amused when mark was talking about how back in the day, people used to hold up lighters "but that was before when a bunch of you were even born- the mid 90s" , but now in 2004, we have all this technology,called cell phones. ah just damn, i love mark. they put on an amazing show, and i'm not just saying that because its blink. when they were on letterman a week or 2 again i'll admit; it sorta sucked, mark was basically just talking the words and tom sounded not good. but this show was awesome. they are officially my favorite live band. and another reason i love tom... after adams song he said, "i know, i know i fucked it up! i'm sorry! you guys caught me" i didn't really notice a big mess up, because all of the songs were faster and then some of them just had added awesome twists. anyway, random things:
-Feeling This
-Easy Target
-What's My Age Again?
-The Rock Show
-I Miss You
-Adam's Song
-First Date
-Stay Together For The Kids
-MEDLEY: dumpweed; m&ms; dumpweed; josie; man overboard; dumpweed
-Reckless Abandon
-All The Small Things
-Travis solo/The Fallen Interlude +whatever
-Stockholm Syndrome
the only thing that sucked, was during reckless abandon, i had to be cool and be shouting all the words to everything, so tom held the mic to the audience to sing the first "we left a scar size extra large" part; and i was seriously the only kid singing in any of the top sections near me. which sucks about boston kids because they don't know how to respond to bands. so tom said that we all suck. thanks<3
blink ended around 11.. we didn't get out of the parking lot until around 12:45. then we still had to drive home, and there was all this traffic and stuff, so didn't get home until 1:30. priceless. its now about 2:40, and im dead tired. but; the other random facts...
-During "I miss you" it looked like mark was playing a blue fender guitar; but there was deffinately bass in the song, so i'm assuming it was just a small 6 stringed bass
-About 1/2 of the songs (including asthenia, adams song, and i miss you) Tom was playing a white fender jazzmaster with a black pickguard. and i'll admit the only reason i'd know it was a jazzmaster is because it looked just like randys guitar, same colors too.
-Mark had my bass (white w/ black pickguard), his pink bass, and a pink/white plaid bass. weird thing, they were all 5 stringed basses (didn't notice if the white/black was actually) if you go to order a custom mark hoppus bass online, it shows a 4 string bass not 5. weird, but you learn something everyday
blink 182 is the best live band, despite what others may say. no doubt is very good live and will trick you into liking them if you weren't a fan already. the living end is very good. i got an 80 on my french finals, and start math today (technically). also, the my chemical romance instore is today and that shall be incredible. and finally, finch is in 3 days. damnit, i can't get over how good blink was. and how they are my heroes.