Aug 23, 2009 17:13
Steve Burnside
Age: 17
Eyes: blue
Hair: red
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: Sure!
Hugging/Kissing/Other non-violent physical contact: MADE OF FAIL he will not know how to deal with it because YOU ARE NOT CLAIRE and even then he really fumbles all the time but. Uh. Go for it, I love flustering my characters.
Maim/Murder/Death: ........sure, he's already dead. He runs headlong into danger and has his body experimented on, anyway.
What's Okay To Mention Around Him: Anything!
Notes for the Psychics: Normal teenage boy. Just with a lot of emo and trauma in his life. But who doesn't, in camp?
Notes for Magic Users: Normal teenage boy.
Physical traits: Pretty bulky for a teenage boy, but not very tall or broad. I figure maybe 5'10" and average frame, just with a good bit of muscle atop it.
Abilities: Steve can pilot, drive, or operate every plane, boat, train, tank, submarine, or other vehicle that you can think of. It's amazing. He can also use any weapon you put in front of him, regardless of whether or not he's seen it before. He has amazing aim with guns as well (except for when he wastes huge amounts of ammo and still only hits Alfred once per encounter), and is reasonably strong. And good at running~ away~!
Secrets: None, really! There's some stuff he will keep quiet, especially regarding his family, but nothing he keeps secret.
NOTE: As of 3/4 through the game, Steve is infected with the T-Alexia Virus, and mutates in to a monster. As he is taken post-death, HE IS INFECTED WITH THE T-ALEXIA VIRUS IN CAMP.
Wesker: Today's a good day. I came for Alexia, but killing you is even better.
Chris: Sorry to disappoint you. But Alexia is gone.
Wesker: That's no longer a concern to me. I have Steve to work with.
Claire: What?
Chris: Steve?
Wesker: In his body there's still a little T-Alexia Virus. Steve should be a good specimen. Maybe he'll come back alive, just as I did, and be able to see your sister again.
Chris: You freak!
Claire: Don't you touch him!
Wesker: I'm sorry, dear heart... but my men have already taken him.
So how he's alive in camp will be a question to the cast. He'll probably think that the virus revived him. The virus is not contagious! But maybe sometimes I'll turn him into a Steve Monster. We shall see~