Name: Kojirou Sasaki (first and last name)
Birthday: April 13
Age: He's old. Trust me. :(
Job: Guardian of the Goddess Pond
Height: 176 cm (5'7")
Weight: 63 kg (138 lbs)
Abilities: Go
here. Can I threadjump you? If it's a private thread, personal or serious one, I'd say no or ask both people for permission before barging in, otherwise I don't mind..
May I hug your character? Assassin might not feel comfortable but I don't mind.
Can my character kiss your character? Depending on the circumstances, yes. Otherwise, I wouldn't advise it. Ask me first before doing so though.
Can I badtouch your character? ... ASSASSIN. If that does not give off any warning bells to your character, then go right on ahead but they won't survive long after the initial touch. I would appreciate it if you ask me before you do it though.
My character is a psychic, can they mind read your character? If you can read minds of a spirit, I guess? \o_O/
Can I maim/kill/spit on/ect your character? You can, but expect some retaliation in return. :D
Anything else you'd like mentioned? Purple is very manly. Also, he'll respond more to his title 'Assassin' than his name.