[Somewhere in the city, yet another individual is slowly going out of his mind -- or at least, that's what it feels like. What's a little different (or perhaps not so different) is that Nora knows this feeling.]
... thought I told you to shut up. Not gonna listen to you. Don't gotta listen to anybody here. Don't care what you're saying
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She bites her lips as she crushes a wolf's skull under her heel and surprised that she stays put for that moment. Then, she notices that someone has been watching her. ]
It's you! Um, you're the strongest demon in your world, right? ... Well, even if you aren't, I-I really can't stop it on my own, and America's... so, could you ple--
[ And without warning, her body moves on its own and charges at Nora head on. ]
When she calls out to him, he finally lets himself out into the open, bristling as she rushes him.]
I don't know what you're talking about, but--!
[There's a disconnect between her demeanor and her actions that's almost creepy, and quite familiar, if he thinks about it rationally -- but he's too busy setting his feet to stop her charge and anticipating the fight.]
I'm definitely the strongest an' I'll prove it!
Can we please settle that later, right now you need to GET OUT OF THE WAY, DAMMIT!
[ She unwillingly closes in on Nora and attempts to punch him in the stomach. ]
[He gets an arm in the way in time to block, but her force is unexpected for someone slighter and smaller -- it pushes him several feet back into a wall, probably bringing some bricks and sundry crumbling down on their heads just in case this wasn't already exciting enough.
That's going to leave a mark, too, but he doesn't waste time grabbing her arm and pulling her in for a solid headbutt (though if he'd been thinking, he would've probably avoided that too).]
Okay so maybe Yami's just... lurking in the shadows. Watching Nora.]
Nora looks this way and that with his shoulders hunched and finally just flat-out shouts to the general neighborhood:]
I know you're there, dammit! Don't think I can't tell!
Crackle! Snap!
Then some familiar laughter.
The lightning takes a detour and strikes a stop light nearest Nora before disappearing. Finally, Shinkohyo reveals himself with a smile]
Long time no see.
Not lately, anyway.]
What the fu...!
[Of course, once the voice comes in, everything snaps straight into place at the same time that he jerks to his feet -- death glare firmly in place.] YOU!! I should've known -- back for more, huh?!
[And without further preamble he runs straight in, intent on taking you out before you can summon another thunder spell or whatever the hell that was.]
[So he thinks. Perona floats down behind Nora with one palm facing his back. Right when Nora charged, Perona shoots out a ghost passing through his body and away. Negative Hollows; breaks the person into depression.]
What a beautiful finish to our introduction, Perona-sama. Don't you think?
[He merely stands there, his ice cream cone crackling with the sound of electricity]
At the same time, Nora's debating silently whether he should throw a rock at it, fling his pitchfork (which, while excellently pointy, is also not a spear), or just out-and-out tackle it.
Decisions, indeed.
A long moment later, he settles on a compromise: a straight rush, pitchfork forward, shish Kero for dessert.]
... well, that was close.]
Hey! What's going on?!
I hate rain...
--There aren't even any clouds, ya stupid...!
[Apparently the ridiculous weather statement is the last straw for Nora's tightly strung nerves, and he bursts out of hiding and lets fly a particularly jagged piece of rubble at Greece's curly head.]
[What. That was ridiculously easy.
Nora stalks over to his kill, scattering the cats with a few impatient motions of his foot, which then knocks the curly head soundly.]
If you're playing dead, it's not gonna work! And I'm gonna eat all your damn cats!
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