Hey, Matou.
[A girl in an archery uniform is inspecting a target. She turns to a purple-haired girl, also in an archery uniform.] You didn't do these by yourself, did you?
[The purple-haired girl gasps.]
I don't know who you got to help you, but... I thought I told you to do it on your own!
[When it looks like she's about to hit her, someone intervenes.] Hold on a second! [A red-haired boy in an archery uniform draws attention to himself.] I helped Sakura with the targets. There were way too many for her to do them on her own!
[The first girl looks unimpressed.] Emiya? What are you talking about? Once she got the basics down, it would be over quick.
Is that so? [Shinji speaks up, looking smug as usual.] I heard the captain made some pretty ridiculous requests of my sister. What do you think? [He directs this last part at two extremely nervous-looking girls.]
That's... uh...
Yeah, we think she kind of overdid it ourselves.
[Slowly, general agreement comes from the rest of the archery club. The captain looks shocked that opinion has turned against her.]
[The scene cuts - Emiya and Shinji are chatting.] You're more outspoken than I thought. That was some nice work back there.
You're the outspoken one. Did you twist a few arms behind the scenes or something?
It's not a big deal. I just got my hands on a few people's sordid secrets. After that, I asked them to be a couple heroes for us. [He turns to the two girls.] I'm looking forward to working with you two in the future!
Sh-Shinji, you asshole! D-don't think for a second that people won't hear about this!
[Shinji just grins.] Heh.
((Archery captain, Emiya, Shinji, pair of students.))