Air Temple Island, Mid-Winter

Apr 01, 2015 17:30

Korra wasn't sure she whether could believe she'd been back in Republic City, back in her world, for a whole six months already. Most if it she'd spent in a blur of returning bending to people who'd fallen victim to Amon's blood-bending, training with Tenzin, or standing as an Avatar shaped figurehead for all the ceremonies involved in President Raiko's election.

Of course she also couldn't believe that she'd only been back six months, with how much had changed in that time. Apart from that whole going from the council to a president thing, Mako had joined the police, and had developed a serious case of Beifong worship, there were two new Fire Ferrets (not that great, if she was going to be honest about it) replacing her and Mako... and then there was her and Mako.

He'd approached her on the steamer trip up after she got back, there'd ben confessions and kissing, and they been...a thing since then. They hung out when they'd had free time, and gone on some dates, and then there were the occasional (very occasional, thanks to Tenzin) nights she spent over at his place. Mostly it was pretty great. Except when it wasn't. Except when they got into vocal fights over little things, or when he got weird about not so little things. Like how she didn't just want sex, but had already had it (even if it was just the once). Sometimes it felt like he couldn't really grasp that what had been a handful of days for everyone here had been two years for her.

Not anyone did much. Tenzin, kind of, and Beifong, not that. Surprisingly, Asami did, was always willing to hear about how different things were back in Fandom or about werelizard!Mako (as she'd dubbed Jackson), but Asami was so busy trying to fix the mess her dad had left, and there was the whole 'so I'm dating your ex' thing, so they didn't talk that much.

So when Bumi had suggested an air scooter race between her and the kids, she'd jumped at the chance. Especially when she had an ace up her wrist covers.

"The avatar is the winner!"

"No fair, you can't go into the Avatar State to win!" Albeit an ace that Ikki for one was more than happy to complain about. Ever the height of maturity, Korra stuck her tongue out in response. Pity that wasn't going to work so well on Tenzin.

"You did what?" There came the bellow, right on cue. "The avatar state is not to be used as a booster rocket. You are toying with a dangerous power that you obviously do not appreciate."

"It's the avatar state and I'm the avatar," she replied. "Who appreciates it more than me?" Flawless logic if you asked her. Again, sadly wasted on Tenzin.

"Clearly you need more training to grasp the depths of your spiritual connection," he said, because he clearly wasn't going to let a chance to lecture pass him by. "Not to mention that you're still a long way from mastering airbending."

Korra rolled her eyes, she'd spent two years practising airbending, by herself. "I have mastered airbending." Punch, punch, punch. Three bursts of airbending. "See? Mastered."

Bumi voiced his approval of her bending, which only led to Tenzin asking if he could unretire.

Tenzin sighed. "You've mastered Korra-style airbending," he told her. Producing a scroll from his robes. "Understandable, considering you had to teach yourself. Now you need to master real airbending. Hopefully our visit to all of the air temples will give you the inspiration you need to delve more deeply into your studies."

Tenzin's announcement, and his map with a thumb's up doodle of himself, precipitated a minor scuffle between the three younger airbenders. He sighed, again, and separated Ikki and Jinora. "No one's fighting, we're going to have a wonderful time, now that the president is in office and I'm not needed on the council, I can finally relax with my family, and give Korra the attention she needs."

Great, more attention, just the thing Korra needed, even if Bumi wanted to see 'Vacation Tenzin'. Deciding to focus on the upside, she knelt in front of Meelo, Ikki, and Jinora. "Before we go on your dad's study trip, we're going to have some real fun in my home town at the Glacier Spirits Festival," she said. All up, it'd been nearly three years since her last one. "They've got rides, games, and all kinds of fried food on sticks." And probably no one trying to kill any of the festival goers.

That got the desired response from the kids, and yet another long-suffering sigh from Tenzin. Still, it was a winter festival, what could possibly go wrong?

[ooc: nfb, nfi, adapted from Korra S02E01 Rebel Spirit.]

what: book two, where: republic city, korra's no good terrible very bad year, people: jinora, people: ikki, where: air temple island, people: bumi, people: meelo, people: tenzin, what: makorra

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