Warnings: Offensive language and subject matter (racism jokes)
Effects: None
Notes: This is the scene I tried to condense
here. Also, this is a character's update dream, so Desmond will be updated to the end of Sequence Four of the Brotherhood game (I'll put up more information on his profile meme in a bit).
If you ever enter my mind, Stay there, You'll live. Defend it off and fool them all )
Ultimately it is Desmond's pained groan which spurs him to speak.]
Desmond! Are you injured?
Yeah...that's what I thought.
[Desmond is clearly amused and a little bit surprised at getting along so well with Altaïr. Though he supposes that might change when the Syrian figures out he's not as well trained as he should be for his age.]
He gives another quirk of his mouth before reaching to turn off the Dreamberry. The novice seems to be fine.]
[He hangs up as well and crawls back to bed to contemplate his life. And those of his ancestors.]
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