I've been reading through forums for Inukami!, the show I'm translating for Anime-Himitsu, since we got competition, Mendoi fansubs, the group known for fast releases without compromising quality. So anyway, I was reading through comments and threads and I come across AniDB.
"Although 90% of the translation is the same or similar for both groups, showing that both groups have experienced translators working on the eps, there are places where Himitsu`s translation seems to rephrase the dialogue in simpler language, rather than sticking with what the characters are actually saying, which is a shame since translation is the most important aspect of fansubbing."
Now this is my question. Would you prefer a literal translation that targets the exact meaning or a simple translation that still gets the overall meaning, but in a more casual way?
Hmm... I don't really see myself rephrasing the dialogue...I might be, but that's because I like to make it flow. Who would want to watch something with subtitles and have to go look up every other word in the dictionary to figure out what just one person says? I can't say I've made some translating errors, but Mendoi has, too, but their leechers and fans are too stupid to realize anything.
What happened to simple appreciation in this world? Leechers, especially don't know, how much it takes to put a fansub together. If the guy I quoted up there isn't a part of a sub group, I'd like to use him/her as a punching bag a couple of times. Yes, I'm still a n00b at fansubbing, but everyone is like that at first.
If all of them are such perfectionists in the Japanese language, they can just go to AnimeSuki to help out the handful of fansub groups that are still in desperate need of translators. Feh. Leechers.
Mendoi's ass is going down.
I just hope the other group I'm will be better off. -_-;; Yes, I've bitched. Thank you very much. If you know any Japanese speakers that will kindly tell me what I am doing wrong in Inukami! [and dun mind a little female fanservice...*knows strange looks have fallen* hey, I have to deal with it cuz I didn't know] I'll be forever in their debt.