Had a room in a shared flat when i was 18- first non-student place was a flat shared with my friend S in Upperthorpe in Sheffield. It was quite good and next to the supermarket, which meant I spent far too much money on food!
Best Friend
That one is tricky. I'm going to settle on Vicky Caton, who I knew in infant's school...when I was about 4 or 5. I beleive she is a pharmacist now although I have not been in touch with her for about, ooh....15 or 16 years?
not had one yet :(
I've never been one for the whole "date" thing...I tend to get together with people I know as friends or meet at social gatherings and thus skip the whole date part. I'm sure I must have been on something that constitutes a date, but can't remember any!
Her name is Becky. She became what might constitute an enemy when I was about 9 or 10 and continued in this role actively until I was about..18? She probably still hates me for reasons i have absolutely no idea about. Basically she was the worst kind of bully and nasty person. I never did anything wrong to her in my entire life. In fact I was always nice to her. A mystery.
This would be my Nan's, which was about....um. 2000? there were people who died when I was younger but I was always judged too young for a funeral, which did annoy me. I was asked to do the eulogy for my Nan but refused on the grounds that there were people who knew her a lot better than me, which turned out to be correct. I ended up doing a reading from the book of revelations, or as it was charmingly called, the book of the apocalypse.
well my family do love gambling.
I think I went on fruit machines from a ridiculously early age, me and my nan used to go to blackpool, southport, new brighton and other godforsaken places regularly when I was a toddler. She would give me a bag of 2p coins, and I would put them in one armed bandits and those crap machines where you try and make the coins fall down. I also played bingo with her and whenever my uncle went accross the road to the bookies I had to choose a horse from the paper and he'd put 20p on it for me. So I am a hardened gambler lol. Comes perhaps from living next to Aintree Racecourse as I used to. I don't even buy lottery tickets now though!
I couldn't tell you...because I am not sure. Been through all the usual stuff of getting dumped, dumping others, etc etc...but I have always gotten over it. Some more quickly than others!
Impression of the IntarWeb
1995, university. The first website I went on was www.blur.co.uk I thought it was wonderful and used to go to the computer lab and spend marathon sessions there. It was so slow I actually took a book with me to read while the pages downloaded, no kidding!
My first proper job that didn't involve selling things door to door etc was when I was 19, working in a call centre for Abbey National. When I got the job I didn't even know what a call centre was. How I wish I had never found out.
Accompanied by the aforementioned Becky (see enemies) who managed for part of her enemy bit to be my friend at the same time, wandering around Kirkby municipal golf course and happening upon a group of young lads smoking pot. Becky fancied one in particular, I fancied none of them, but what basically happened was Becky snogged the one she like whilst I was passed around the others, alternating with the spliff. Kissing only. How sordid! i was eleven I think.
I didn't get any of the spliff either.
See "heartbreak".
Tom and the Water Babies, when I was 2. I must have been well behaved- there is no way I would take a 2 year old to a cinema!
None really. I got called by my surname a lot at school as I was one of the lads ;-)
Original Thought
Original? Well I thought my parents were aliens and all that stuff but I am led to believe that is quite common. I wrote a lot when I was a youngster, so there were probably some original thoughts in that.
Penny, a really brilliant cat who was around from when I was non-existent to when I was 17. she was great.
Queer Experience
Well I fancied loads of people for years and years, but if your're actually talking about doing anything, I was 18! I am always slightly jealous of all those people who had random fumblings in a cute way when they were young, but I wasn't one. I had to go to a gay club for ages and stand around until someone took pity on me, lol.
Road Trip
Not driving makes this one a bit tricky. Also, you know, this country isn't really big enough for a proper road trip. I went from Liverpool to Bournemouth with my parents, does that count?
Self-Bought Music
Agh, shakin stevens! I was 9. < hides head >
First "time"? Hm I think I know what you're getting at. First time all consensual and proper, with Darren when I was 15.
No idea! I remember my first bra which was like 2 handkerchiefs sewn together, about 3 years too late and 6 sizes too small.
Video Game
I had a spectrum 128+2 which took ages to get as I was a girl, agh.
I remember several crappy games with this, including one called Disco Dan which I quite liked. Because it was easy.
Warning Foolishly Unheeded
Don't try and light the gas fire yourself-aged 3.
Of ankle. I was well scared. Probably aged about 14 or so?
Are sweet potatoes the same thing? i don't think they are in which case I am a yam virgin!
Zombie Movie
Shaun of the dead. 2004.