Doctor Who: 6x11 - The God Complex

Sep 17, 2011 18:54

I have too much going on to put this is lovely paragraph form, so have a list:

- This episode was entertaining, really creepy, and ended so sadly, but not in a sobbing into my sleeve sort of way. Not like last week. It was more... quiet acceptance.

- I knew as soon as we found out Rita was an intelligent person whom the Doctor liked, that she was going to die. The Doctor isn't allowed to be happy, you know.

- The dialogue in this episode concerning faith was kind of creepy, I guess because of how fervent it was.

- What was with the multiple references to Amy hitting Rory? Spousal abuse isn't funny, no matter who's doing it to who, and I hate that if it's a wife hitting a husband that it's played for laughs in tv/movies. Way to make Amy look like a jerk for a cheap laugh, writers. :/

- I know we wouldn't get to see what was in the Doctor's room, but c'mon, it had to be himself. "Who else but you?" or whatever he said. I kinda had a notion that Amy's would be fear of abandonment, and I guess I was right.

- I'm not sure I like the juxtaposition of this episode after The Girl Who Waited. A huge plot point hinged on Amy's faith in the Doctor, but he let old!Amy down so badly in the last episode. He didn't let young!Amy down though, and maybe what old!Amy said to her wasn't enough to shake her faith? Still, it felt forced.

- So let's see if I have this convoluted story straight. The minotaur alien was a prisoner, and as he ate the faith of people, his prison cell was made up to look like an elaborate 1980s Earth hotel to confuse his victims, who would open doors and find their worst fear and fall back on their faith to save them, then he'd eat their faith out of them?

Right. Ok. So there was a glitch in the computer, and it kept sending the minotaur food, long after he just wanted to die. But he couldn't just starve himself, because it was instinct to eat the faith presented to him. Ok. Think I got it. Still, convoluted as fuck. Umm, what purpose did sticking the victims' pictures on the wall with their fear listed under actually serve? To scare new people? To haunt the minotaur? I DUN GET IT.

- Obviously the minotaur is a parallel to the Doctor. He's so old his name is lost. He's bathed in the blood of the innocent. He welcomes death. So I guess we're supposed to be like, "Oh, so the Doctor's ready to die, cool." But we all know something's going to happen to rewrite time so he doesn't die in Utah. They really don't need to build up that it's fine he dies if they're going to snatch it away, which is 98.9% likely to happen.

- Rory's not afraid of anything? He's not afraid of losing Amy? See, this is why I dislike when shows have a very important episode focusing on a couple, and then the next just doesn't keep the theme running. The couple of hitting jokes, Rory not afraid of losing Amy, Rory getting slammed into the wall by the minotaur and Amy not even noticing... after last episode she claimed she would tear time apart for him. Just... I'm not asking for mushy stuff that overpowers everything. I'd just like a continuation of what we saw last week.

- Is it just me, or was there a ton more British slang in this episode than there usually is? I couple things the Doctor said, and a lot of what Amy said flew right over my head.

- Amy and Rory have a house. Why did the Doctor get them a new house? And when did he have time to get them that, or the car? Probably did it while they were sleeping one time. :P


I loved Craig! And it looks like he and Sophie have a baby now!

recap: doctor who

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