Other things I've done while in Toronto:
* Went to see Brave, finally.
Took me long enough. I loved it -- I have curly hair, so Merida was my favoritest princess from the get-go. What I really loved, though, was the fact that it's one of those stories where both sides in an argument make valid points. Merida's mother would tell her things like 'stand up straight' and 'no weapons on the table' -- the same sort of rules she held Merida's father to. When they had their fight, both of them made valid points -- yes, Merida SHOULD be allowed to choose her own fate, but because she's a princess she needs to make a decision to keep the peace, so her mother SHOULD stop her from ruining the whole thing. And then they both did stupid and destructive things that people often do when anger takes hold, and both felt bad about it, but both wanted the other to apologize first. Ultimately, they both bent to meet in the middle, and Merida proved she had her mother's spine and her father's strength.
Also loved the fact that none of the guys were interested in marrying someone they'd barely met, either.
* Saw Moonrise Kingdom. The trailer caught my eye months back, and I greatly enjoyed it. Some movies will be the thrill-a-minute type, get your blood racing, or tug at the heartstrings so you can't stop crying, but this wasn't one of them. It was more . . . warm and comfortable, like an old sweater. It's a good movie for when you want to curl up and relax, so I think I'll get it on DVD.
* Brother got tickets for Avenue Q tonight; it'll be interesting to finally see the musical and find out what plot stuff comes between the songs I've heard via AMVs and fanmixes.