(no subject)

Sep 10, 2007 07:47

the rules;



Well, not really. None of us are going to jump down your throat if you put a preposition at the end of a sentence*, but most of us here at Fairly Tales adhere to a fairly high standard of writing. Applications, scenes, and whatever else that isn't in the journals (for, after all, your character could have a very tenuous grasp on spelling and grammar) should all be written with a mind towards good sentence structure, and proper capitalization and punctuation. If you have trouble writing, but are willing to learn to get better, then don't be scared away! If you put in the effort, we're more than happy to help you.

*Let it be known to all grammar nazis out there that this is the most ridiculous 'rule' ever. No, seriously. It makes no sense. Want to lose an argument? Talk to Emily.


This game is not here solely for characters to run amok and boink like bunnies while cursing up a storm. Nevertheless, we expect that some characters will have foul mouths, and as sex is a part of adult life, it's going to happen. If you're not entirely comfortable with these themes, then this probably isn't the place for you. Likewise, if you are under what's considered the appropriate age for this sort of content, please think twice before joining.


1. Character limit.

Fairly Tales has an initial limit of four characters per player. This is because we want to maintain a high level of activity, and we find that if players have more than four characters, some of those characters tend to go neglected, and that just isn't fair to players who might want to play that particular Tale. As such, please keep your own activity level in mind when applying for more than two characters, as that will be a factor in the acceptance of your application.

Players may ask for fifth character if they are exceptionally active and engaged within the game. Players interested in a fifth character should e-mail the mods (fairlytales@gmail.com) rather than place a hold.

In addition to limit on the number of characters, we also have various limits on types of characters. If you want to apply for a character not listed on the 'available' page, we require that you apply for one of the listed characters first so that we are not overrun with obscure Tales. There is also a limit on the number of characters with magical abilities, and on the number of American/Modern Tales in relation to the other Tales. Players are entitled to two American/Modern Tales at most. The mods retain the right to reject any applications for a character type they feel is over-represented in the game (they cannot all be con-men, Broadway actresses, or students). See the holds page for more details on currently capped character concepts.

2. Activity.

We require that characters make some sign of activity (a log, a journal post, or a whole lot of comments) at least once a week. There will be regular activity checks, and if characters fall inactive, then we'll send the player a warning. However, to avoid falling into a cycle where characters only post after they've been warned, players will only be warned twice. The third time, the character will be marked as available for applications and the original player will not be able to apply for that character for a week after that character is removed from the game.

Of course, we realize that real life can get busy. So long as you post a hiatus notice, you won't be penalized for having midterms, or moving, or whatever.

3. Adult content.

All logs should have a brief summary (see the IC community for examples) that includes a rating (based on MPAA movie ratings). Really, stuff shouldn't go beyond R. If sex happens, we recommend that you use a fade-to-black (FTB), and if you want to write it out and post it, post it somewhere other than the game. Otherwise, just be mindful that not everyone is comfortable with sex, drugs, and swearing, so if you write something that contains a lot of it, put it under an lj-cut and make note of the content.

4. IC/OOC.

This is a game. That's all it is. You may certainly become very attached to your characters and experience a range of emotions on their behalf, but at the end of the day, they are fictional. It's important to be mindful of this distinction, and to keep in mind that OOC knowledge is just that: OOC. Just because you know that the Big Bad Wolf has insecurities doesn't mean your character knows about them or should play upon them. In the same vein, just because someone else's character is mean to your character doesn't mean that the other character's player is a jerk. The player is probably a very nice person, and you shouldn't judge them based upon IC interaction.

For that matter, characters do not automatically know each other's tales, unless they come across that information from each other or in the journals somehow. Remember to check for the tale status in someone's profile if you're uncertain how public that knowledge might be.

5. Consent (don't want no twinks).

Consent is an integral part of RP, and it is essential that any sort of action that could have significant physical or emotional consequences on others be discussed and authorized beforehand. There are some things that people just don't want their characters to have to deal with, and forcing such things on them is simply uncouth. Ignoring this conduct requirement will result in beheadings. Grisly beheadings.

6. Drama.

People, this is a game, and is not to be taken too seriously. We here at Fairly Mods have a low tolerance for OOC drama (though are known to indulge often IC) and ask that you please leave it at the door. If there is some issue between players, we ask that it does not spill over into gameland (you are not, after all, required to deal with each other directly). If you feel you cannot hold your tongues and demand mediation, then seek out mod intervention before having it out on the comms or dropping characters unnecessarily.

7. Minor plot.

As far as we're concerned, our playerbase is generally awesome and produces tons and tons of fun RP, crack, and drama. However, we do ask that if something verges on a little bit too cracktastic or dramatic that you run those plot points by the mods first. This includes topics like rape, terminal illness, murder, other sorts of death, use of questionable magic, pregnancy, etc. But we can tell you right now that if you combine them all, it is not gonna get approved. Sorry, magical rapist's baby.

8. Major plot.

The official policy hereabouts is 'Plot = WIN'. If you have any ideas for plot that involves the greater theme and game community, we would love to hear about it. However, we do ask that you submit it to us for approval prior, to ensure it doesn't conflict with any balls currently in the air. Send those plot-bombs off to us at fairlytales@gmail.com.

For In-Character rules, go here.

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