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Sep 10, 2007 00:00

embedding icons tutorial!

For those of you who would prefer a minor amount of hassle in return for having unlimited icons, the friendly roleplayers of the world have come up with a sneaky way to trick the system, which basically looks like this. The steps go as follows:

-- Upload all of the icons to your own hosting service (e.g. Photobucket).

-- REMEMBER to credit your iconmakers somewhere! One handy technique is to have a post on your character's journal with the icons and credit for easy access, like here.

-- Do NOT have a default icon set on your character journal, otherwise this technique will look stupid.

-- Whenever COMMENTING, use this simple code:


-- Whenever POSTING, simply use
, and then begin your entry below the picture -- it'll look like this. Using the imbedded icon table has a tendency to screw with S2 layouts, which is not nice for your fellow players reading their flists, so a simple img src should do the trick.

Any questions, feel free to field them here!


requesting icons!

We admit it: the graphics mods don't like things looking ugly. So if you're having trouble finding nice icons of your PB, simply comment here and we'll either hit you up with some links, or make you some graphics personally. Just remember to answer the following questions:

1. Do you want icons, banners, or both?
2. Are you using 6 icons, 15 icons, or unlimited?

(And keep in mind that, uh, we're people with lives too -- requests might take a while, but we'll get around to it eventually!)
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