Posting time again~~
How do you do everybody?
My lj is kind of empty, that's sad... It's just that I didn't think school could've been so hard xD
I had a nice holiday, but I'm more tired than before. I don't know why.
The happy thing is that I didn't put on weight *phiu* during this break time.
I don't really need to get fatter... -_-
I have a bl-movie addiction lately. I had it this summer too, but I quitted because of other things ^-^"
Right now I'm downloading a movie~~ *yay*
And I am writing my akako... It's becoming longer than expected but still not that long... >->
It's angsty and first-person. It's HARD for me, but I like challenges, so why not?
Moreover, I don't have anybody pressing me for writing, so I am taking it slowly. That's a bad thing, though.
It's just that I don't get satisfaction writing fics in English. I just I were better at writing...
And school kind of depress me. I feel like everybody's in competition, and it's awful.
And I don't think there's really somebody around which enjoys my fics, so I feel like I'm writing it for no reason.
It's just that writing it in Italian makes me feel even more uncomfortable... I wrote an Akame (Incredible thing!) but it turned out terribly angsty and a real mess. And it's sooooo long. Also, I don't like translating.
But I better will, because I was put in the Translating Team (creepy name, sorry, I don't know how to explain it in English better) and will soon have to translate a Nigerian book. I'm a little proud, but I'm worried. I don't think I'm good enough. My teacher believed in me because at the beginning of the year I was good, but some of my friends turned out being better than me, so I feel like I'm stealing a work they suit more.
Lately I feel like I can't express my feelings properly to anyone... Probably to my dog only, but what can he do?
But stop being depress(ed)ing!
My mother bought a toy for my dog today. It's a little peluche snake. I WANT IT TOO!
And since I'm obsessed with names, I felt like I HAD to give him one.
I decided "Snack", because of "Snake" assonance. Silly, don't you think?
It's just that I think it's funny yelling at my dog: "Com on, let's bite Snack".
Well, if you knew me, you'd say this kind of useless things suit me xD
But if you dare badmouthing about me, Snack the Snake will come and bite you U.U
Ahhh. Sometimes I ask myself why am I even posting something like this.
I don't have many friends on lj, I should try to save them from my oddness!
Please, don't delete me just because of this!
But yeah, I don't even know why I still do have friends on lj...
Only two actually commented on my lj page so far.
Two added me randomly (I think?) and when I commented their lj, they didn't even answer.. T.T
I added one because I liked her lj, but I still haven't got the courage to write her something (I wouldn't blame her if she deleted me T.T).
I added another one because I met her on a forum and always admired her, but I don't have the courage (again!) to write her something (I bet she's asking WHY did I even asked her to be friends >.>)
I added two because they had some good subbed or translated stuff which needed friendship and the only thing I did so far is thank them for sharing.
I am no good with human relationships. I always say that I am a latent misanthropic.
Well, I still don't know if I'll post my akako on jent (there isn't the akanishi-tanaka tag anymore, so I think nobody will really find it if I just put the characters name -_-) or just post it here and hope a couple of friends will jump here and casually read it.
Omg, this is kind of depressing again.
But hey, Drunken!Koki says NO to depressing thing, so I should obey to my Lordie and stop it here....
Happy New Year Everybody!!! (Somebody around? xD)