There are days when I'm amazed that I still have two functioning kidneys. Usually, these are days like today, when I push simply assinine amounts of caffiene and medicine through them. Then there are the days that I'm amazed I haven't completely thrown in the towel and given up on school yet. Like right now, after spending an hour reading a book
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Not that your spunky and charming heroine is married, but the subject of marriage is one she's put a great deal of thought into for various reasons over the years. ( Anyhow, on to the soapbox... )
Blue eyed individuals apparently share a common ancestor. Which makes it creepy that I have slept with other people with blue eyes, even though that common ancestor has to be like, way far back. Thanks, dreamsrundeep, for pointing that one out! I secretly geek on human evolution, both biological and sociological, so this was an interesting read
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