Jan 27, 2007 14:01

This is the page for icontest rules and information, and to keep track of the icontests of the past.

Submissions may be from the any form or medium of the Disney fairies (film, book, comic, toys, etc.) and there will be icontests that will involve other Disney fairies such as the Blue Fairy, the Fairy Godmother, etc. :)

Each contest will last one week (the frequency of the contests will depend on all of you!). Your theme will be posted on Sunday evening, and entries will be accepted until Thursday at midnight. Voting will take place all day Friday, Saturday and on Sunday until noon. The winners will be announced Sunday evening and a new theme (should a new contest be starting) will be posted then (or soon after) as well. There will be four prize levels, according to the number of entries: 1st, 2nd, 3rd and Mod's Choice.

The following is borrowed and slightly altered from: xmen_icontest

To make your entry, just post the icon(s) in the community, and please include the IMG SRC code, as well as the HTML for the icon (ends with .jpg, .gif, .png). Like so:


1.Must be 100x100 pixels/40K or less (in other words, actual icon-sized).
2.Images used can be from the movies, comics, images of toys, books, park characters, etc., but not fanart.
3.Two entries per contest are allowed, unless otherwise specified.
4.Be nice and clean - no R/NC-17/character trashing icons. Never had a problem with this, so hopefully this rule is just superfluous.
5.Do not pimp your entry in your LJ or elsewhere to try and get votes.
6.Play nicely - don't diss other peoples' entries.
7.If you want to use one of the submissions in your own LJ/GJ/etc, ask the maker.
8.Vote for 3 if there are 10 or more entries, 2 otherwise.
9.Do not vote for your own entry.
10.Do not vote for your friend's entry, just because he/she is your friend.
11.Anonymous votes will not be accepted and you must be a member of the community to vote.

Banners are currently made by iconfluence + animekatie.

If you would like to make banners, please let me know: on_me_back_mush@yahoo.com (or comment here!) :)
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