Title: Living the Rave
fairyeyez27Fandom: Original
Rating: NC-17
Characters: Zacari/random raver (
Picture of Zacari)
Word Count: 372
Summary: For a select few music is what they are, it defines them, flows through their veins like oxygen.
A/N: This fic was done as part of an art trade on Y!Gallery of
Majime's original sexy character Zacari. He's a very smexy little raver and when this Idea hit me i couldn't resist :D Oh, and i know i'm a day late.. but i completely forgot yesterday so i'm posting both Day 1 and Day 2 today, please let me know if this is a problem!
Living the Rave
For most, music is something to dance to, it's something playing in the background while you socialize, something to sing to while you're driving. Music is a part of their life and enjoying it is something that might describe them.
For a select few others though, music is what they are, it defines them, flows through their veins like oxygen.
Zacari was one of these select few. When he was in a club like tonight, lights flashing around him, music pumping through him like his own heart beat he felt alive, felt free.
Adrenaline pumped through him as his body moved more naturally than water, glow sticks moving like an extension of his body, each beat carrying him further into the high.
This was an addiction, a drug, sometimes better than sex. In a crowd, bodies moving, hips brushing, oh gods this is exquisite. The DJ is a composer, creating a symphony of bodies and sound and Zacari gets lost in it, in the sensations.
Lips meet his, a body pressed close, both lost to the high. It doesn't matter who it is, who he is, just the feeling, music becoming tactile in another body who's feeding from the high.
A dark corner, lost to the crowd. Whole beings still pulsing to a heartbeat, hands roaming. Zacari swallows a gasp and his own is taken in return. Body hard, arching up, grinding into the other. Moans are lost to the sounds around them, hands slipping further, under fabric and oh gods its wrapped around hot hard flesh, making Zac buck up.
Can't last long, too lost in the music, blood rushing too fast, heart racing to leave him gasping for breath. Head falls back, body arcs up, suspended in the moment, held at the crux, music and pleasure made one.
When that final strong beat slid through him he lost himself completely and his head fell back on cry, cumming into a stranger's hand, feeling the other cum in his and oh his body was jelly. Nothing compared to this, the rush, the satisfaction, the bone melting finish.
Clean up, one last kiss and then the music pulling again, back into the dance, the beat. It takes him, it is him, music.
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