Player Information: Name: Kat Journal: jupiterk Method of Contact: AIM - blitzkrieg frau; email - Previous characters: n/a
Character Information: Full Name: Ran Fan Series: Fullmetal Alchemist Canon point: Chapter 108, just as her/Mei Chang/Ling leave after the battle. Age: 16 Species: Human Appearance/PB: with her mask and without it Appearance upon arrival: Upon arrival, Ran Fan will look pretty beat up, since she just came from the biggest battle in the whole freaking series. She has some bandages, but nothing that seems too serious. Her automail left arm is in a sling, and even though she no longer has any of her explosives, she still has her kunai on hand as well as her mask.
History: Previous RP memories: n/a Bringing someone along?: nope Character History: A wiki link shall do!
Personality: To most, Ran Fan comes off as very quiet, even stand-offish young woman - the fact she's almost always wearing her mask and ninja gear doesn't help that impression, either. She tends to speak more formally than most, and
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Several years of training and actual combat from fighting off assassins from other royal families in Xing has lead her to not only seem more cold, but also more mature than other girls her age. Her trip to Amesteris also attributed to this - the loss her grandfather Fu (who is her only family mentioned in the series) greatly affected her. After the fight on the Promised Day, Ran Fan even asks Ling to stop the wars between the clans when he becomes Emperor, so there won't be any more casualties like her grandfather, and with hopes that Xing will never have anything like what Amesteris was plagued with. Despite her natural tendencies toward using force, after seeing warfare, Ran Fan knows just how destructive it can be and honestly does not want to see it again.
Extra: Character Abilities: Since birth, Ran Fan has been trained in various Xingese martial arts and how to work with various weapons, so she could become a ninja bodyguard. The main weapons she uses are grenades and kunai. She also has a blade in her automail arm that she
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Sothe | Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn | not reservedhezulOctober 1 2010, 08:14:23 UTC
Player Information: Name: Sam Journal: hezul Method of Contact: melodyoflogic [at] / terrorfortune (AIM) Previous characters: n/a
Character Information: Full Name: Sothe Series: Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn Canon point: Just prior to Chapter 3-F. Age: Never specified, but probably 16 or 17 at the most. Species: Human, although the technical term for it in his canon is "beorc." Appearance/PB: Here. It would seem he never thought to go get a new shirt after his growth spurt since he was in Path of Radiance. :( Appearance upon arrival: He's coming in from just before a major battle actually starts, so while he's not coming in with any injuries, he's definitely a little antsy and on edge.
History: Previous RP memories: n/a Bringing someone along?: Nope! Character History: His wiki article is...pretty sparse; there's a more detailed plot write-up here, although it's a general summary and not focused on him specifically. Part 2 jumps to another country and isn't really relevant to his personal history
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Sothe | Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn | not reservedhezulOctober 1 2010, 08:15:21 UTC
Personality: Sothe is not a warm and fuzzy kind of guy. He's blunt, a little snappy, and doesn't waste his time on conversation if he doesn't have a good reason to be talking. He can come across as a bit of a jerk if the circumstances of a first meeting are bad, but he's not deliberately ornery so much as he just won't engage if he's not interested, and he isn't shy about saying so. Growing up as a penniless orphan has left him wary of the world in general, quick to keep an eye on the escape route, and very good at fending for himself and avoiding unwanted attention, to the point where he makes his way across most of the continent alone at the age of thirteen or so and doesn't seem to have much trouble with it
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Sothe | Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn | not reservedhezulOctober 1 2010, 08:16:17 UTC
Extra: Character Abilities: Sothe has no magical or supernatural powers, but he's been a thief since he was a child. As such, he's very quick, very dexterous, and good at sneaking around and relieving others of their property. He can pick locks, and he's also a skilled knife fighter. Possessions: - His clothes - pants, shirt, scarf-thing, boots, gloves, belt with weapon sheathes, and a few handy pouches to hold his stuff. - Knives! He carries one more obvious one that tends to be his main weapon, but he also keeps a couple hidden in other places on his body, so he can stay in the fight even if "disarmed." He also has a few throwing knives -- like the others, some are obvious and some are not. - A set of lockpicks. - Several vulneraries (potions good for healing around half of his HP). Anything else: Nothing else comes to mind!
Samples: Action/Communcation thread/post sample: [There's a young man in the streets of the city. Nothing exciting or novel about that, right
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Sothe | Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn | not reservedhezulOctober 1 2010, 08:17:51 UTC
Log/Prose sample: The last sounds of battle had died down, the laguz had slipped away -- for now, and as Sothe looked around the Daein army's encampment by the Ribahn River, he wondered, not for the first time that night, just what the hell they were even doing there.
The first skirmish had gone their way, but Sothe remembered Ranulf's skill and tenacity from the last war, and he remembered the way just one lion had been able to tear apart their opposition during the final battle at Melior. If the Gallians were determined to cross the river, than all the head starts in the world wouldn't be enough for the Daein army to stop them. And that was to say nothing of Ike's presence...
...Ike. Sothe shivered. That was one fight he wasn't looking forward to.
Why were they out here? He'd had his doubts about this war from the time Pelleas had ordered them into the field, but knowing that Ike was here just solidified in Sothe's mind what he'd already been fairly sure of: Daein was in the wrong. Ike would never fight for an unjust cause, of
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[LINK | LEGEND OF ZELDA: PHANTOM HOURGLASS] (RESERVED)marburusuOctober 1 2010, 10:39:49 UTC
Player Information: Name: Marbles. Journal: marburusu Method of Contact: Preferrably AIM! You can contact me at PhantomMarbles. Previous characters: N/A.
Character Information: Full Name: Link. Series: Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass. Canon point: Post Bellum's defeat, but prior to waking up on the Ghost Ship. Essentially, what Link will remember is the world fading to white, and upon opening his eyes to say goodbye to Ciela, finding a music box in her place. Age: Thirteen. Species: Link is an elf, but in his world it's more commonly referred to as "long-eared"; Hylian is a term that has long since been lost in their history. Only a few people still know the proper name of their species. Appearance/PB: This kid. Since Link is a Hylian and all, he has the usual long, pointy ears that elves are known for having. As a whole, the Links are canonically described as pretty nice to look at, and it can be inferred that this one is no different, even if it's more in a cute way than handsome. He has the average fair-skinned pigmentation,
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[LINK | LEGEND OF ZELDA: PHANTOM HOURGLASS] (RESERVED)marburusuOctober 1 2010, 10:41:50 UTC
Appearance upon arrival: Considering he's just had the shit beaten out of him for three consecutive final battles, Link doesn't look so good at the moment. He's badly bruised around the ribs and arms, but thankfully nothing is broken. The more extensive damage are the stab/sword/tent...acle wounds, he's probably ridden with-- again, on the hands, torso and legs notably. It's not bad enough to have him bleeding out on the floor, but he'll definitely be exhausted and achey for a little while. He'll need patching up at some point.
History: Previous RP memories: None at all! Bringing someone along?: Link does have his trusty little fairies and Linebeck as "pets", but since they are equally applicable in this game, it would be unfair to hog them in case someone comes along with a Ciela muse or something. So nope! No fairies. Character History: I have a written history for the events of Wind Waker here, and the events of Phantom Hourglass can be found here!
Personality: Link is often considered the classic “silent hero”, as he literally
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[LINK | LEGEND OF ZELDA: PHANTOM HOURGLASS] (RESERVED)marburusuOctober 1 2010, 10:43:48 UTC
Link is generally well-liked over all, as he is polite and humble in attitude, and he seems genuinely willing to aid people with little tasks here and there. He is a curious boy by nature and quite sweet, something that often attracts people to his presence, as well as the deep level of understanding he seems to develop as he learns more about a person. Thusly, Link can be very empathetic and doesn't have much difficulty comprehending the emotions and internal struggles of other people-- but this can also be a weakness, because Link can easily fall for a sob story as long as it is logical (or as logical as logic is in a Nintendo game) and strikes a sympathetic cord with him.
While Link still has a lot of the naïvety of a little kid, he is not nearly as innocent as he should be due to everything he's had to do during his journey: he's confronted horrible monsters and killed those monsters, he's been nearly killed himself, and he's had to deal with a great amount of abandonment. He was forced to leave his grandmother all alone and
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[LINK | LEGEND OF ZELDA: PHANTOM HOURGLASS] (RESERVED)marburusuOctober 1 2010, 10:45:28 UTC
Link is also DAMN crafty at seeing the good side of people, and once he spots some goodness in a person he will latch onto it like an adorable leech and never let go. He's amazingly gifted at bringing it out of a person too, and with the sheer patience of a goddamn saint he often befriends the kind of people who treat him a bit poorly just because he knows that ~deep inside, they're a nice person~ (ie, Tetra and Linebeck). Why he doesn't have more kind friends too is probably just Link's undeterrably shitty luck in everything life has to offer. That aside, when Link forms a close attachment to someone, he will drag himself through the dirt to hold onto them, fighting tooth and nail if he has to. He is unbelievably devoted to the people he cares about and will never, EVER abandon or betray them if it is in any way possible not to. However, by doing that Link also makes himself extremely subjectable to being hurt by loved ones. Abuse or mistreatment is something he would and will readily take as a price to keep someone, and he can
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Comments 665
Name: Kat
Journal: jupiterk
Method of Contact: AIM - blitzkrieg frau; email -
Previous characters: n/a
Character Information:
Full Name: Ran Fan
Series: Fullmetal Alchemist
Canon point: Chapter 108, just as her/Mei Chang/Ling leave after the battle.
Age: 16
Species: Human
Appearance/PB: with her mask and without it
Appearance upon arrival: Upon arrival, Ran Fan will look pretty beat up, since she just came from the biggest battle in the whole freaking series. She has some bandages, but nothing that seems too serious. Her automail left arm is in a sling, and even though she no longer has any of her explosives, she still has her kunai on hand as well as her mask.
Previous RP memories: n/a
Bringing someone along?: nope
Character History: A wiki link shall do!
To most, Ran Fan comes off as very quiet, even stand-offish young woman - the fact she's almost always wearing her mask and ninja gear doesn't help that impression, either. She tends to speak more formally than most, and ( ... )
Character Abilities: Since birth, Ran Fan has been trained in various Xingese martial arts and how to work with various weapons, so she could become a ninja bodyguard. The main weapons she uses are grenades and kunai. She also has a blade in her automail arm that she ( ... )
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❁ Once accepted to splendorooc, comment on the player contact page.
❁ Check out the HTML Goodies page and use the codes in your character journal if you like!
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Also, you neglected to add your character's name/series/reserved/unreserved in your comment title, but since we received the notifications from your previous comments (which we assume were deleted due to formatting reasons), we saw that you included them the first time. Remember to include them in future applications, though!
Name: Sam
Journal: hezul
Method of Contact: melodyoflogic [at] / terrorfortune (AIM)
Previous characters: n/a
Character Information:
Full Name: Sothe
Series: Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
Canon point: Just prior to Chapter 3-F.
Age: Never specified, but probably 16 or 17 at the most.
Species: Human, although the technical term for it in his canon is "beorc."
Appearance/PB: Here. It would seem he never thought to go get a new shirt after his growth spurt since he was in Path of Radiance. :(
Appearance upon arrival: He's coming in from just before a major battle actually starts, so while he's not coming in with any injuries, he's definitely a little antsy and on edge.
Previous RP memories: n/a
Bringing someone along?: Nope!
Character History: His wiki article is...pretty sparse; there's a more detailed plot write-up here, although it's a general summary and not focused on him specifically. Part 2 jumps to another country and isn't really relevant to his personal history ( ... )
Sothe is not a warm and fuzzy kind of guy. He's blunt, a little snappy, and doesn't waste his time on conversation if he doesn't have a good reason to be talking. He can come across as a bit of a jerk if the circumstances of a first meeting are bad, but he's not deliberately ornery so much as he just won't engage if he's not interested, and he isn't shy about saying so. Growing up as a penniless orphan has left him wary of the world in general, quick to keep an eye on the escape route, and very good at fending for himself and avoiding unwanted attention, to the point where he makes his way across most of the continent alone at the age of thirteen or so and doesn't seem to have much trouble with it ( ... )
Character Abilities: Sothe has no magical or supernatural powers, but he's been a thief since he was a child. As such, he's very quick, very dexterous, and good at sneaking around and relieving others of their property. He can pick locks, and he's also a skilled knife fighter.
- His clothes - pants, shirt, scarf-thing, boots, gloves, belt with weapon sheathes, and a few handy pouches to hold his stuff.
- Knives! He carries one more obvious one that tends to be his main weapon, but he also keeps a couple hidden in other places on his body, so he can stay in the fight even if "disarmed." He also has a few throwing knives -- like the others, some are obvious and some are not.
- A set of lockpicks.
- Several vulneraries (potions good for healing around half of his HP).
Anything else: Nothing else comes to mind!
Action/Communcation thread/post sample: [There's a young man in the streets of the city. Nothing exciting or novel about that, right ( ... )
The first skirmish had gone their way, but Sothe remembered Ranulf's skill and tenacity from the last war, and he remembered the way just one lion had been able to tear apart their opposition during the final battle at Melior. If the Gallians were determined to cross the river, than all the head starts in the world wouldn't be enough for the Daein army to stop them. And that was to say nothing of Ike's presence...
...Ike. Sothe shivered. That was one fight he wasn't looking forward to.
Why were they out here? He'd had his doubts about this war from the time Pelleas had ordered them into the field, but knowing that Ike was here just solidified in Sothe's mind what he'd already been fairly sure of: Daein was in the wrong. Ike would never fight for an unjust cause, of ( ... )
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Name: Marbles.
Journal: marburusu
Method of Contact: Preferrably AIM! You can contact me at PhantomMarbles.
Previous characters: N/A.
Character Information:
Full Name: Link.
Series: Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass.
Canon point: Post Bellum's defeat, but prior to waking up on the Ghost Ship. Essentially, what Link will remember is the world fading to white, and upon opening his eyes to say goodbye to Ciela, finding a music box in her place.
Age: Thirteen.
Species: Link is an elf, but in his world it's more commonly referred to as "long-eared"; Hylian is a term that has long since been lost in their history. Only a few people still know the proper name of their species.
This kid. Since Link is a Hylian and all, he has the usual long, pointy ears that elves are known for having. As a whole, the Links are canonically described as pretty nice to look at, and it can be inferred that this one is no different, even if it's more in a cute way than handsome. He has the average fair-skinned pigmentation, ( ... )
Considering he's just had the shit beaten out of him for three consecutive final battles, Link doesn't look so good at the moment. He's badly bruised around the ribs and arms, but thankfully nothing is broken. The more extensive damage are the stab/sword/tent...acle wounds, he's probably ridden with-- again, on the hands, torso and legs notably. It's not bad enough to have him bleeding out on the floor, but he'll definitely be exhausted and achey for a little while. He'll need patching up at some point.
Previous RP memories: None at all!
Bringing someone along?: Link does have his trusty little fairies and Linebeck as "pets", but since they are equally applicable in this game, it would be unfair to hog them in case someone comes along with a Ciela muse or something. So nope! No fairies.
Character History: I have a written history for the events of Wind Waker here, and the events of Phantom Hourglass can be found here!
Link is often considered the classic “silent hero”, as he literally ( ... )
While Link still has a lot of the naïvety of a little kid, he is not nearly as innocent as he should be due to everything he's had to do during his journey: he's confronted horrible monsters and killed those monsters, he's been nearly killed himself, and he's had to deal with a great amount of abandonment. He was forced to leave his grandmother all alone and ( ... )
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❁ Once accepted to splendorooc, comment on the player contact page.
❁ Check out the HTML Goodies page and use the codes in your character journal if you like!
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