Fic: Habits

Mar 16, 2007 22:13

Title: Habits
Author: fairymage
Rating: G
Community: 30_kisses
Theme: #18-"say ah"
Fandom: Card Captor Sakura
Pairing: Touya/Yukito
Notes: Oh gods. peach_arrow's rambling Touya has taken over my brain.

It was something of a tradition between the two of them. Maybe “habit” was a better word for it. It was childish and sort of disgusting trying to explain it to someone, but his father had asked him to explain…

“Well, so we make dinner, right?”

“Only on Fridays, if I remember correctly.”

“No no no, that’s the only time we make dinner together. We’re not eating frozen food every night, Dad.”

“Ah, my mistake.”

“And besides, we make dinner together on Sundays too. We go out on Saturdays.”

“Right, right. So, um, this habit of yours…”

“It’s sort of weird and irregular. So it’s not a real habit, if you get what I mean. Like, it works when we make dinner together, or if we’re at a restaurant and we’re eating different food, or something. It usually doesn’t work on weekdays, when we get back from work at different times.”

“I see.”

“Because yeah. It just doesn’t work if we’re not both there, you know?”

“Touya, you still haven’t told me what it is that doesn’t work.”

“Oh, yeah. We feed each other.”


“We, um, yeah. Feed each other. Like a spoonful. Or a forkful. Or a bite, I guess, if we’re using hashi.”

“Oh, I see.”

“It just sort of happens, you know? I’ll be standing at the stove, stirring something, and he’ll come up next to me and look around to see what I’m doing, and I… I don’t know, I just sort of grab some of what I’m making and stick it in his mouth.”


“I know it sounds weird, that’s why you shouldn’t have asked me. But really. I just can’t help it. Maybe because he used to eat so much. Not that he’s stopped, or anything. Just because he and Yue have the kaijuu and me to support them doesn’t mean that they don’t still need a little bit of energy. Okay, a lot of energy.”

“It’s really not-“

“You think maybe they just like the food?”

“I don’t know about Yue-san, but Yukito-kun definitely appreciates food.”

“I’m pretty sure Yue must too, then. They’re more alike than you’d think. I mean, obviously they’re different, but they’re mostly the same. Or maybe not mostly. Just some. Like, Yuki is really obvious about how much he likes foods and sweets and stuff. Yue won’t say anything though. You should see him eat cookies. It’s really… cute. He’ll kill me if he ever finds out I called him cute, so don’t tell him, okay?”

“On my honor.”

“And he always looks so surprised when I feed him!”


“No, no, Yuki. He gets that ‘oh, look!’ look on his face. And his eyes get really big. Bigger than they usually are. And then he eats it. And sometimes he’ll tell me what to add to it, like salt or oyster sauce, and sometimes he’ll just smile and keep watching. I guess it’s only really weird when we do it at restaurants, huh?”

“Most likely, yes.”

“It’s not like we mean to weird people out. And it’s not that weird, you know? People must do it all the time. Just not in public.”

“Well, you’ve never been one to care much about what other people thought, Touya.”

“Yeah, I guess. But you know, we never order the same meal at restaurants. It’s so that we can share. And then I just-“


“I realized that I feed Yuki, he doesn’t feed me. I mean, I steal food from his plate, but he doesn’t, you know, stick the food in my mouth.”


“Should that bother me?”

“Not… necessarily…?”

“I mean, it doesn’t, I’m just wondering if I should. Does that make it unfair, or something?”

“Only you are able to judge the fairness of a relationship, Touya. And quite honestly-“

“No, I think it’s okay. I mean, it’s not totally the same, but that doesn’t mean it’s not equal, you know? I think it’s fine. Besides, Yuki shares his dessert with me, and we all know how much he likes dessert.”

“Ah, yes we do. Not that he doesn’t like everything edible, you know.”

“Well, yeah. But he’s got a soft spot for sweets. Especially strawberry shortcake. We always share the last piece. I tell him he can have the whole piece, but he always insists on sharing. He makes those puppy dog eyes-have you seen them?”

“No, I can’t say that I have.”

“They’re just… You can’t say no to them. It’s like kicking a bunny. Hahaha. Or something equally helpless. So we always end up sharing the last piece. Right down to the last strawberry. We cut it in half, usually. Or sometimes I just-“

“Stick it in his mouth?”

“Right, yeah. Because otherwise we’d sit there and dither over it for minutes, and it’s so cute when he makes the surprised face. Yuki doesn’t mind it when I call him cute, so you don’t have to keep that a secret.”

“I wasn’t planning on telling anyone.”

“Well, yeah, I guess it wouldn't matter much to some stranger. No one cares about these kinds of things. Yuki can still eat a whole cake by himself. I have no idea where it all goes, seriously. How does he stay so skinny?”

“An unusually high metabolism, I assume.”

“Well, okay, and I guess it’s only like eating half a cake, really. I could probably do that, eat half a cake myself. So it’s not that weird. But doesn’t all that sugar, you know, do something weird to you?”

“Perhaps he has a high tolerance for sweets. Some people do.”

“Yeah, maybe. But still, it’s kind of weird. And the plushie! Where does he put it all!? He can eat a whole pudding in five bites! Hell, he can fit a spoon in his mouth!”

“Kero-chan is very talented.”

“Talented isn’t quite the word I’d use for it. Talented is Yue flinging his ice crystals with deadly accuracy.”

“I suppose I can’t argue, seeing as I’ve never seen that either.”

“Oh, me neither. Thank goodness. I’ll be the day I see them, they’ll be aimed at me. Or maybe I can convince him to aim them at Akizuki… That’s what I hear from the plushie, at least. Well, he tends to add on the boast that he could take on Yue in his big form, but I’m not sure I believe him. You could stop the plushie by scratching behind his ears. I think you’d end up dead if you tried to give Yue a headscratch.”

“He certainly doesn’t seem like the type…”

“What were we talking about, anyway?”

“We were talking about habits that you and Yukito-kun had. And you wanted to tell me about feeding him.”

“Oh, yeah, well. I feed him. And then I kiss him. Sorry it got a little off track. This whole conversation has been a little weird, huh?”

“I’m quite used to strange things, Touya. And strange covers a whole number of definitions.”

He was glad his father understood. There were some things, like how you fed your boyfriend, that you just couldn’t tell anyone else.

card captor sakura, touya/yukito, 30_kisses

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