Xiumin/Sehun Obnoxious side girl!Baekhyun/Lu Han PG-13, 5k Sehun’s first year in his dorm is starting out awful, and the cute boyish RA with amazing abs really isn’t helping. Or maybe, he’s the only one actually helping.
i feel you, sehun... I mean, great fic!! it was so cute! sehun's bad luck was so endearing and you made him really cute, i wanted to hug him! i'm glad he had xiumin to take care of him. 😄 lubaek <3
Okay I admit that I am a sucker for any story with Minseok in it but this was just too cute. I love all of the cute little interactions between the two. On another note, if I had done any of those things I think my RA would have probably killed me...Great story!
Comments 4
I mean, great fic!! it was so cute! sehun's bad luck was so endearing and you made him really cute, i wanted to hug him! i'm glad he had xiumin to take care of him.
lubaek <3
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