// The Basics
---> Name: Staci
---> Birth date: 02/16/82
---> Birthplace: Hamilton, OH
---> Current Location: Trenton, OH ( Woodsdale )
---> Eye Color: Baby Blue
---> Hair Color: Blondish Brown
---> Righty or Lefty: Righty
---> Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
---> Innie or Outtie: Innie
// Series Two - Describe
---> Your heritage: Irish, German, and Welsh.
---> The shoes you wore today: None so far...
---> Your hair: Pulled back needs to be washed ( which I'm gonna do right here in a little while ).
---> Your eyes: Ummm...are seen through my glasses?
---> Your weakness?: Pasta
---> Your fears: CLOWNS!
---> Your perfect pizza: Extra cheese, pepperoni, and mushrooms.
---> One thing you'd like to achieve: Happiness
// Series Three - What is
---> Your most overused phrase on aol\aim: Blah...
---> Your thoughts first waking up: I HAVE TO PEE!!!
---> The first feature you notice in the opposite gender: Hair ( eyes and teeth both come in a close second ).
---> Your best physical features: Eyes
---> Your usual bedtime: Depends on what "phase" I'm going through...
---> Your greatest accomplishment: Graduating high school.
---> Your best memory: When I was like 12 and all the kids in my neighborhood would get together every day during the summer and hang out.
// Series Four - Do you
---> Smoke: No
---> Cuss: Yes
---> Sing well: I like to pretend that I do...lol.
---> Take a shower everyday: More like every other day unless I'm going out or to Aaron's.
---> Want to go to college?: I'll go back eventually.
---> Like high school: I actually find myself missing it sometimes.
---> Want to get married: Eventually, but not for like 6 years or so.
---> Type with your fingers on the right keys: Yep, I'm all about Home Row!
---> Believe in yourself: Most of the time.
---> Get motion sickness: Sometimes.
---> Think you're attractive: I don't think I'm beautiful, but I'm not ugly either.
---> Think you're a health freak: Negative.
---> Get along with your parents: Yep
---> Like thunderstorms: They tend to scare me and make me want to curl up under the blankets.
---> Play an instrument: Yesh
// Series Five - In the past month, did/have you
---> Drank alcohol: Yes
---> Smoke(d): Nope
---> Done a drug: Negative
---> Made Out: YES
---> Gone on a date: Sort of
---> Gone to the mall?: No
---> Been on stage: Nope
---> Been dumped: Noppers
---> Gone skating: No
---> Made homemade cookies: Negative
---> Been in love: Slowly getting there...let's not rush things.
---> Gone skinny dipping: Nope
---> Dyed your hair: Negative
---> Stolen anything: Not my bag, baby.
// Series Six - Have you ever?
---> Played a game that required removal of clothing?: Yes
---> If so, was it mixed company: Yep
---> Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: Yesh
---> Been caught "doing something": Yeppers
---> Been called a tease: Not that I can remember.
---> Gotten beaten up: Yes ( but not by a chick ).
---> Shoplifted: Negative
---> If so, did you get caught: N/A
---> Changed who you were to fit in: Not that I can recall.
// Series Seven - The future
---> Age you hope to be married: 28/29
---> Numbers and Names of Children: 2 ( Anastasia Maree [ pronounced Marie ] and Sebastian Micheal )
---> Describe your Dream Wedding: A few friends then a huge party!
---> What age do you want to die: Around 80 or so.
---> What do you want to be when you grow up: I'll figure this one out someday...
---> What country would you most like to visit: Ireland or Australia ( or England / Germany again )
---> Current Clothes: Plaid pj pants and an orange t-shirt.
---> Current Mood: Bored
---> Current Taste: Black and Blue Berry Brew Sobe
---> Current Hair: Ucky
---> Current Annoyance: My vehicle being broken.
---> Current Smell: Sobe
---> Current thing you ought to be doing: Probably cleaning.
---> Current Desktop Picture: A purple flower ( Mom's computer ) / Rainbow tye-dyed background ( My Laptop )
---> Current Favorite bands: Elliott Smith, Radiohead, The Smashing Pumpkins, Jem, Incubus ( there are others, but I'm being to lazy to list them )
---> Current Book: N/A
---> Current DVD In Player: 10 Things I Hate About You
---> Current CD In Player: Jem - Finally Woken
---> Current Worry: When Mother Nature is going to leave the building?!
---> Current Crush: Ummm...I'm gonna go with Aaron on this one..lol. ;P