thank you momma. i'll take you up on that offer some time, and i'll give you a call from my new number so you can call me next time you're in town and we'll hang out! you can see my new apartment... and my cats! ~fari~
i hold out a hope that he finds his way to it... but i know that in the end he won't. i don't even think he knows i have an LJ. oh well. miss you empy. ~fari~
thank you! fortune is smiling on my right now. i start a very good (well paying) job soon. by the end of june i should be in a much better place financially. lets hope my heart follows suit. ~fari~
please note that i happened into lj today (5/26) for the first time in like a month. and i've been so entirely bored today that i've read this far back on my friends'page (over 100 entries back)... so it's entirely possible that i may never have seen this, but if you truly need to post details you do not wish me to see, feel free to filter me out. i know it can be done, and usually with little effort.
i love you, faya, keep your chin up and keep being you. what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger (or fatter ^__~). and if not before then, then we'll see ya' in a couple of months, so virtual loveys for now. ♥XO♥XO♥XO♥.
btw: if you're not busy the thurs night before the con, wanna catch dinner? i know you might be doing con stuff, so i understand, but mo and i are driving up on thurs afternoon.
i love you momma! i don't filter you out b/c i want you to know what's going on in my life. but somethings you ought to hear from my mouth, not via the interweb.
about thursday night. we'll have events going on that night. so i won't be able to make dinner that night. however, we'll have special goodies and "VIP" treatment for anyone who pre-registers on thursday night. call me and i'll tell you all about it!
Comments 12
i love you, faya, keep your chin up and keep being you. what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger (or fatter ^__~). and if not before then, then we'll see ya' in a couple of months, so virtual loveys for now. ♥XO♥XO♥XO♥.
btw: if you're not busy the thurs night before the con, wanna catch dinner? i know you might be doing con stuff, so i understand, but mo and i are driving up on thurs afternoon.
about thursday night. we'll have events going on that night. so i won't be able to make dinner that night. however, we'll have special goodies and "VIP" treatment for anyone who pre-registers on thursday night. call me and i'll tell you all about it!
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