Hi friends! Hope you all had a wonderful, labor-less Labor Day. I spent my day off reading two new books and finishing Mad Men season 1! Not too shabby eh?
Some Mad Men thoughts....
Now remember Mad Men-season 3-watchers, I'm way behind, so feel free to comment but no spoilers please :)
*Pete Campbell is a tool. Big time. And he has the biggest man crush I've ever seen on Don Draper.
* I TOTALLY called Peggy being pregnant, even before the massive weight gain. I can't wait to see how that little development turns out.
*Betty is the most deranged, yet awesome, character. It's a real credit to the actress that she can play this amazing woman with very little dialogue.
*I love Joan. Love love LOVE Joan. Her attitude, her wardrobe, everything. And I'm not the only one who thinks so. David did an actual, cartoon-like double take when she let her hair down and sported that little black number. I got a big kick out of it :)
*And oh, Mr. Draper. What a badass. I haven't made up my mind about him, and I think the writers want it that way. Tortured soul, womanizer, attempting to be a family man while pwning everyone at work really makes for some good TV.
Okay, now for really good stuff...
Tomorrow morning marks the very first installation of LJ TOWNHALL MEETINGS! I'll post the topic right here tomorrow morning and I would love love love to see some great discussion happen. I haven't gotten a ton of responses in previous posts, but I'm still insanely excited about this! It's going to be fun guys, I promise. So stop by for a few tomorrow, yes?
Final thought: I turn 22 in exactly one week :D