23 hours later, I'm posting my thoughts on Glee.
*Here's the thing: The music? Awesome. I have listened to Finn's "Can't Fight This Feeling Anymore" so many times today, it would be embarrassing if it weren't so glorious. The writing?....not so awesome. Yes, Jane Lynch and Bitch!Wife have great one-liners, but the rest is a tad painful.
*Nevertheless, I still really enjoy the show. I probably won't be as OMGLEE I expected, but I will definitely keep watching.
*Last night's episode was all kinds of fun for the following reasons:
-Will/Emma! Or as I will henceforth refer to them, Wilma (What? Like Jam is so much better?). As dysfunctional as this non-relationship is, they are absolutely adorable to watch. The chalk on the nose? Yowza. If I were still in school, I'd look at the blackboard in a whole new way.
-WILL RAPPING! Call me politically incorrect, I don't care, but when I first saw that he was going to bust out the Kanye West song, I was like "Uhh, perhaps a mirror is needed to reaffirm his extreme whiteness." But oh my goodness, it was actually sort of really hot.
-The only thing that makes him anything less than sexy? The way he folds like a napkin when it comes to Terri. Yes, I get it, he's a good guy trying to do the noble thing and give his family everything. But the dude needs to find a pair since the one he used to have is now the welcome mat in the Grand Foyer.
-Except Terri wants to keep the apartment? I didn't quite understand that switcheroo at the end. If she's going to carry on with this fake pregnancy, why not do it in the dream house? I would say she relented out of guilt, but clearly she's incapable of that emotion, or anything that requires her to empathize with anyone other than herself.
-And the angsty teen love isn't any less complicated. Part of what's keeping me from being so invested in the show is the fact that they seem to be showing all of their BIG HUGE SWEEPS PLOT DEVICES cards up front. It's the second episode and we've already got an awkward makeout session between Finn and Rachel. Not to say that I'm a huge fan of shows drawing out the sexual tension between two characters just to avoid the "now what?" moment (I'm looking at you, Office), but it seems like a lot is happening all at once. And with a show still in its infancy, I'm slightly worried that it won't be able to handle all the developments in an entertaining, and coherent, way.
But that's way more analytical than I should ever get about a TV musical. Even with my worries, I'll definitely be there next week to see how all this goes down. Word. Or...something.