Thank you! Yeah, the cutest is really something special ^^
Isn't that just one of the bestest movies eva? I just recently bought the indicated version and saw it with my bf who also didn't know the film til that and my theory was just again being proved right.
There are just two knid of people a) the one who love that movie b) the ones that don't know it yet
Cause I really don't know one person who knows it and didn't like it!!!
Comments 13
It takes me almost a day only to decide with one from my 105 Icons I should delete *loooooooool*
You know that you're evil, dont't you?
105! *goes crying* ^^
I love the "cutest" one. *ggg* See... That wasn't that bad. your icons are lovely... and lots of spn. *yay*
btw: BOONDOCK SAINTS!!! I've just watched it - again.... with ladybird07 - cause it was on her TO-DO-LIST.
Isn't that just one of the bestest movies eva? I just recently bought the indicated version and saw it with my bf who also didn't know the film til that and my theory was just again being proved right.
There are just two knid of people
a) the one who love that movie
b) the ones that don't know it yet
Cause I really don't know one person who knows it and didn't like it!!!
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