Yeah so since Shakespeare never really defined pretty much... anything about character appearance and such, I'm just going to pretty much be picking something to use and filling stuff in appropriately.
Age: 20
Height: tbd
Weight: tbd
Medical Info: Pretty average and healthy. Probably not very muscular or anything at ALL due to being more the scholarly sort.
Eyes: tbd
Hair: tbd
Physical traits: Nothing really out of the ordinary?
What's Okay To Mention Around Him: Absolutely anything. Yes, this does in fact include talking about Shakespeare and the play- Horatio will probably just assume it's a play based on actual events, which is perfectly normal! He's also very willing to talk about Hamlet and all that happened there, so. No off-limit topics that I can think of whatsoever.
Abilities: ...uh, does actually surviving a Shakespearean tragedy count? >_> Otherwise I guess there's the fact that along with Hamlet and the others he saw the ghost, but I don't know if that counts. Pretty ordinary human here.
Notes for the Psychics: Not much to note. Horatio has no special mental abilities or barriers whatsoever. Also not much of note to his thoughts, other than he probably thinks about Hamlet quite a bit. He's probably pretty boring, really.
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: Sure, if you want to?
Maim/Murder/Death: to me first.
Emo/Angst/Drama: ........DO I REALLY NEED TO ANSWER THIS? :D
Cooking: He probably knows the basics, but I doubt you'd want him to try cooking your meals