you shouldn't believe it. no no. Monday's are from satan. I'm sure of it. Right after the fall, God was like "MONDAYS WILL BE DOOM" Stupid. eve.
Anyway....NAEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE awww. I is sorry. I know it can be super stressful to pack and then to not get sleep ontop of it. I am making frowny faces for you. and if I was in Australia....I'd give you an awkward hug. I say awkward because I'm weird.and all my hugs end up being that way...please don't run away screaming...
woman that is hilariously awful!!!! why did you tell everyone??? lol and then you posted it publically on my lj. hahahha. funnies mate.
Hahaha because it doesn't bother me. I'm the over sharing type. Beside, you posted about getting locked in a bathroom and having random Korean men around you while wearing nothing but a towel. Haha embarrassing stories are fun XD HOWEVER!! if they had been unclean undies.... THEN I would have been embarrassed enough to not tell anyone. Gosh that would be bad!! hahahaha
and thank you for the though of giving an awkward hug XD I'm pretty good at them too :P
Comments 4
Anyway....NAEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE awww. I is sorry. I know it can be super stressful to pack and then to not get sleep ontop of it. I am making frowny faces for you. and if I was in Australia....I'd give you an awkward hug. I say awkward because I'm weird.and all my hugs end up being that way...please don't run away screaming...
woman that is hilariously awful!!!! why did you tell everyone??? lol and then you posted it publically on my lj. hahahha. funnies mate.
and thank you for the though of giving an awkward hug XD I'm pretty good at them too :P
I love awkward. :)
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