Rant Rant Rant!

Sep 19, 2010 19:14

I like to think that I am a tolerant person, I try to respect the fact that others don't have the same views as me on any subject. I try, but these last few days have been a trial. I'm a Catholic, I go to church and I try to respect my fellow man but sometimes it's hard, it really is.

Over the last four days the Pope has been visting England, there have been people who are not happy with it. That's ok they are entitled to no be, not everyone is Catholic. There are some who were upset because he was on a State Visit and they felt that was wrong because he is the head of the church. Ok. Whether people like it or not as well as being head of the church he is a Head of State and should be accorded the respect that is due. Most of the upset as far as I can see was about how much the security was going to cost. They way people were acting it seems they wanted all the security removed after all he's 'just a religious leader', how do you think people would feel if we said no security for Obama he's just a president, not even royalty.

Everyones entitiled to their own opinion....... except it seems when it doesn't agree with the other person. Today I reached the limit of my patience. Today I finally blocked a friend on Facebook, many times I have thought I should block this person as comments and jokes he usually post as his status are often crude and offensive, and not just to me. Several of his friends have over time reminded him that he should take more care about what he says.

I worked with him for a while, he left before Woolies collapesd. I friended him because I felt sorry for him, he has mental problems and often he blames this for the status remarks and the crude offensive jokes, 'he doesn't realise he's doing it' poor thing. I have been giving him the benifit of the doubt for some time because maybe he doesn't realise what he's saying but no more. He obviously does know what what he's doing and is enjoying it.

The last few days he's been making Pope jokes, now I don't mind religious jokes some are really funny but these just went one step too far, and no I am not going to repeat any of them either. The first time he made an offensive remark I told him I didn't like it, he called me a spoilsport, his friend reminded him that he should take care about what he was saying, he apologised. Next day he did the same thing again, I've spent ages pointing out that what he was saying wasn't remotly funny (to me) only to be attacked by some of his friends. I don't have to put up with that.

I don't go on about my reigion to anyone, it's my business and no one elses but I have to draw the line somewhere and today I drew it an blocked him.

Sorry this is disjointed, no doubt I have repeated myself but I am livid at present and am not thinking very coherently all i know is I want to hit something!


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