[She sets down her pokegear to retrieve a doodle of a bellsprout. It's pretty good considering her age, but naturally, the limit of what an average 13-year-old can accomplish. The color selection is perhaps the best quality of her drawing.]
I drew one of these after I saw their statues in the tower! They're really cute!
[Yuiko is amazed. If you couldn't tell by all the excitement.]
Wow, wow!! You're so good, Issun-san! Your paintings are as pretty as Soubi-san's!
I'm so jealous! I can't draw that good. I'm only good at arts and crafts.
[She sets down her pokegear to retrieve a doodle of a bellsprout. It's pretty good considering her age, but naturally, the limit of what an average 13-year-old can accomplish. The color selection is perhaps the best quality of her drawing.]
I drew one of these after I saw their statues in the tower! They're really cute!
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