Transmission 011 - For example. [Voice/Action]

May 29, 2009 00:19

[If one is living in the vicinity of House #25, they've just heard a sickening rip of a tree snapping apart, soon met with a crunch of ice and a horrified scream. Faize has been working diligently on his ice wall to protect the others, particularly since the Malnosso's announcement. It's time the Malnosso caught him by surprise.

Currently, he is hanging about eight feet in the air, where he had been working on the top of the ice wall. Nails and bits of the house were ripped off in the incident, but only enough to pin him against the ice. The real damage is the tree branch, which has pierced the ice in two places, as well as Faize himself. The larger, lower part of the branch has impaled Faize though his right side, and the top part has merely pierced his shoulder. Twigs and branches that couldn't break through are littered on the other side of the wall, underneath the clean side of the branch. One might have heard a few raspy breaths after the branch broke through, but the internal bleeding was too much for Faize to handle. If one's bold enough to look at his eyes, they're still open and full of shock, now red instead of his usual purple.

The ice is slowly starting to melt, and his blood continues to drip down the wall, adding to the mud around the house. Would someone care to get him down?]

faize is gone, event, must defend house, mood eyes are go, cut for ouch and squeamishness, brb dead, bloody cotton ball, dead woobies aren't much fun, ice ice faizey, example time, irony, faize is nowhere, sorry guys

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