Title: Interrogation
fajrdrako Fandom: Torchwood/Heroes
Characters: Captain Jack Harkness, Claude Rains
Challenge: #15 "crossovers" on
tw100Rating: G
Words: 100
Notes: No spoilers.
Claude the Invisible Man (now visible) was interrogated in the Board Room, for his comfort. The others wondered why Jack treated this vagrant like royalty. Claude was rude, hostile, sarky. Despite cellular anomalies and that invisibility trick, he was fully human.
Jack made Owen take x-rays: Claude had only one heart. ("What’s that about?")
Ianto brought coffee and pizza. "It'll be bloody caviar next," grumbled Owen.
Eventually, Jack let him go. The ears, the voice, the attitude, all made his heart weep. But this was a stranger.
"See you in hell," said Jack.
Claude grinned. "Unless I see you first."