Title: Need
fakedoll89Rating: PG
Prompt Set: 50.4
Prompt: #46 - Escape
Word Count: 133
Summary: The Dementors have left Azkaban. Lucius is regaining his mind, his sense.
Notes: Set after he got arrested in OotP.
The Dementors of Azkaban were now on Voldemort’s side, attracted by his offer of human souls. Still, criminals were locked up, under the watch of powerful ministry workers. After months of zero exposure to the Dementors, some of the newer prisoners were regaining their sense. Among them was Lucius Malfoy, who’d only been in Azkaban a matter of days before the Dementors joined the dark side. His side…
Now he was just weak. All words and babblings from other prisoners made clear sense to him. Wallowing in his own guilt ceased. Anger was boiling inside of him, replacing the disgusting feeling of regret and remorse. But most prominent of all of these familiar yet new feelings was… need.
Need to escape. Need to live. Need to kill.
Need to get revenge.