Title: Unfaithful
fakedoll89Rating: PG13
Prompt Set: 50.4
Prompt: #28 - Lovers
Word Count: 140
Summary: Lucius and Narcissa's vows are no longer valid.
Warnings: Mild sexual references.
It had been in their vows. They’d professed their love, their honesty and their loyalty to one another all those years ago. Yet now each word was a lie. Lucius didn’t care all that much, he had an heir, a boy to carry his name to another generation. Also he still had her. In the sense she would sit opposite him while they ate, and slept in the same bed as him. Sometimes they even did more in that bed.
They both knew that the other wasn’t faithful. Neither cared much to what was going on. Lucius had it as a fact that she was screwing Snape. Why should she get all the fun? With this logic, he had defiled many young witches.
His latest conquest was his best yet. How he loved the taste of mudblood.