I saw her!

Oct 05, 2008 21:09

I saw her today. I don't know, I wanted to say she looked thinner than usual. I'm worried she's not eating well. But I hope she's ok. Gotta keep in contact with her!


I caught a subbed first episode. And it was wonderful. His moe-ness T-chan was in awesome form with his/her gundam, Seravee, I think that's what it's called. (I can't believe T-chan is male, though. Officially, he's a ?. And when they showed the body pods with him and two other Innovators in it, his/her genital area AND CHEST were conveniently blocked out by a computer glare. As such, gender neutral pronouns for Tieria until the sex is confirmed.)

I'm serious.

Setsuna, Setsuna. Walking around in that flight suit, in high gravity. You must have legs of steel. I was nervous when Saji pointed the gun at you. First episode, and you're already dead?? What?! But he was just an emotional wreck. Haha, Saji, Sunrise wants you to represent the civilian casualties of war by first killing off your family, disfiguring your girlfriend and then involving you in a terrorist plot where your supposedly normal neighbor turns out to be piloting a Gundam, the instrument of your doom. Not having a very nice life, eh?

Um, where's Allelujah? You oddly named person, you. Allelujah Haptism, Tieria Erde, Lockon Stratos. Very...unsubtle in what you're trying to allude to. At least Soma's ok, right? OR ARE THE SERGEI BEARS MAKING PASSES AT HER? Either way, seems like she's going back to the frontline, oh yeah, alright. She's one of my fave female characters so far.

Next Sunday, just have to wait it out. Golden Week is going to be withdrawal for me.

I don't know if my check deposits made it through, since I can't find my damn checks and deposit slips and I can't remember if I made it to the bank this week. Did I, did I not? I don't know. What sucks is that I signed the checks, and my deposit slips have my account number on them. Fuck.

I might also go to dinner with Lesley and Alex tomorrow. How's the flist, though? Having an awesome week? Awful week? Can we have a movie night sometime soon?

life, fandom stuff, school, friends

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