>'> + Name: Yuki~ ;P
+ Age: 19 and a half, yo.
+ Gender: I have boobs. :)
+ Interests: Anime, manga, video games...nerdy junk like that. XD
+ Hobbies: Drawing, writing, listening to Music,playing video games, being a dork, decorating my room, dancing around, role-playing, making graphics, and molesting my girlfriend. :D
+ Talents: Drawing and writing, for the most part. And other things I won't mention. >>
+ Annoyances: Loud Noises, Stubborn-ness, Bigotry, Ignorance, Rap Music, Dishonesty, Thieves, aaandd...SPIDERS. MAKE THEM DIE. D:<
+ Weaknesses: Math (ALGEBRA WHAT), Studying, Puzzles, Most things that are logical, Going to bed on time, and Putting things together...like...mechanical..things. They explode when I touch them.
+ Fears: SPIDERS, Heights, Losing a loved one, losing a limb, and beetles. Freakin' beetles.
Update Journal beetles. D:<
+ Positive Personality Traits: Perceptive, Empathetic, Easy-going, Protective (Can be good and bad, I guess.), and I've been told I'm good at cheering others up.
+ Negative Personality Traits: Possessive, I try to solve everybody's problems, I can be Apathetic at times, and I tend to be..well..lazy. xD
+ Style (This can mean clothing, lifestyles, or whatever makes you as an individual): I wear what's comfortable. I guess you could say I'm trendy, but comfort comes first. I think a person's character makes them who they are, not their "style". I do what I feel is right, and I don't give into peer pressure easily at all. I'm pretty damn stubborn. xD
+ Goals/Dreams: My ultimate dream would to be a Manga-ka, though that's pretty far-fetched for me. Either an illustrator or a video game designer. I'd also take becoming a psychologist or a social worker. Not the stupid kind, but the awesome kind who actually LISTENS to people's problems rather than scribbling faces on a notepad.
+ Favorite Character: Dee. <3 <3 <3
+ Character that you are least like: ...Ryo. XD I am way too spaztastic to be him.
+ Anything else?: *squishsquish?* D:
+ Post atleast one photo. If not, write a quick description.
I'm a natural brunette, don't let the blonde fool you. D: