First of all,
MERRY CHRISTMAS. And also whatever else there is to celebrate.
So. My mom is doing fine. In fact, she's nearly fully recovered; she just needs to get back on her feet after not walking for so long. The doctors say it's a miracle she's turned around so fast, so... Yay Christmas miracle.
My mom has two doctors: Nerdy Dr. Gomez, who sometimes comes in at night via webcam and a robot, and Dr. Zauner, who is Austrian, with a less butch accent than Arnold's, a fairly handsome older male who my sister swears smells like candy.
I've never seen Dr. Gomez's robot. D:
Anyway, so, I get what they say now about workaholic doctors. Dr. Zauner is at the hospital when I get there at like eleven, pokes his head into the room a few times from lunch to afternoon, has an actual checkup a couple hours before shift change, comes back around ten, and one time we even ran into him on our way to the car as he was coming back, yet again, the the hospital at nearly eleven. My dad says he's there seven in the morning, nine in the morning, twenty four seven, even saw him on Christmas Eve. :o Dr. Gomez too; actually, his robot allows him to work from home, so it's not quite as workaholic-y, right? Well, kind of, when he's controlling a robot from home to work.
My mom has had lots of nurses. She's still in ICU, and shift change is every twelve hours. Her nurses are all totally sweet.
Oh, and I mentioned Jason, right? My mom's nurse from the first couple nights? Well, my sister is kind of crushing on Dr. Zonor, which makes sense because he's a totally sweet man, really smart, a brain surgeon for cripes sake, and has the coolest accent. She says to Jason, "Have you ever noticed that Dr. Zonor smells like candy?" Yes. She actually asked him that.
Jason gives a long suffering sigh, and says, "I try not to."
I wasn't there, but I can totally see it. Jason's pretty adorable, with a kind of button nose, pale skin and pale hair, his soft, effeminate voice. I can see him totally having an unrequited crush on the handsome doctor, trying hard not to think of him, but staying in ICU because he wants to stay close to Dr. Zauner's sweet and caring ...ness. Anyway, I'm not sure it's the case, but you know me, I see slash everywhere.
Anyway, so Jason tells Marlene, "You should ask him about it!" (And tell me what he says,) is the subtext.
Marlene is dubious. "How do I do that?" she asks, like it's about asking a boy to the seventh grade dance.
"Here's what you do," Jason tells her. He leans over my mom's bed (she's fast asleep at some three in the morning), plants his hands down and leans over to look pointedly at Marlene. "'Doctor Zauner? Do you wear cologne? Because you smell like sweet, sweet candy."
And the crazy thing is, my sister does ask Dr. Zauner. Not in Jason's oh so fey wording, but we're talking too him in the hospital room, Dr. Zauner just having poked his head in to say hello, and he'll be back in a couple hours, and my sister blurts out, "Do you like candy?" Okay, so it wasn't that random. We had just given him a box of chocolates for Christmas.
"I love candy!" he exclaims.
Marlene hesitatingly continues, "... Do you eat it a lot?"
"I try not to," Dr. Zauner says, sighing longingly. "It's bad for my health now that I'm older. But I grew up in Vienna, with the best candy stores in the world, so it's really hard."
I don't think Marlene's got to gossip with Jason yet. He hasn't been taking care of our mom for a while, though apparently, on Christmas Eve, Jason came into visit her (reportedly tearing up with joy) and came and kissed her on the cheek and everything. Such a sweet man. <3 But all my mom really remembers (she was really drugged out back then) is Jason tying her to her bed, and she didn't like that. (It was for her own good though, because she was being troublesome and trying to get out of bed and not lying down and sleeping and such.)
Although, I saw Jason the other night. He was in the briefing room with all the other night nurses and was in full view of the hallway through the door, and he smiled and nodded and raised an eyebrow at us.
Ah, I love all the other nurses I've met too. I don't really have time to talk about all of them, but though I can't wait to have my mommy home, I'll also miss those wonderful people hanging around.