Title: Tek Jansen and the Daily Girl!: With A Rebel Belle!: A Tek Jansen Adventure
Fandom: Stephen Colbert's Tek Jansen Adventures
Characters: Tek Jansen, Satiria "Daily Girl" Daily
Prompt: "Aliens."
Word Count: 1065
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Unspecified violence, comic book nudity?
Disclaimer: All television shows, movies, books, and other copyrighted material referred to in this work, and the characters, settings, and events thereof, are the properties of their respective owners. As this work is an interpretation of the original material and not for-profit, it constitutes fair use. Reference to real persons, places, or events are made in a fictional context, and are not intended to be libelous, defamatory, or in any way factual.
Summary: Tek Jansen rescues a political prisoner. A political prisoner with sky-blue eyes and brushed-back hair...and a penchant for word puzzles.
Author's Notes: So...this is a sequel. Yeah, wasn't expecting that. Uh, sequel to
this, which was inspired by
sailorptah's picture "
Tek and the Daily Girl." Constructive criticism most definitely welcome.
Tek Jansen and the Daily Girl!: With A Rebel Belle!: A Tek Jansen Adventure
Staring down the barrel of Tek's laser pistol, Satiria squeaked, "Seriously? Are you sure?"
Tek opened his mouth to reply, then paused and glanced at the palm of his un-pistoled hand. On his glove the words "KILL SATIRIA DAILY" were written.
"B-But, I'm not--I'm just me!" she protested, leaning away from him with her hands raised in front of her chest. "I'm not anyone special! I'm nobody!"
Her voice was so sincere, Tek hesitated. "You are the same Satiria Daily who shamed the population of Zen Momentia into questioning and then unseating the monarchy who reigned supreme over them?"
It was a fair question; he didn't care to make that mistake twice. Command got uppity about that kind of thing. Was it his fault a dangerous smez-powder smuggler had the same name as the sacred Holiest of Holies from the Fergmat System?
Satiria blushed, eyes darting away. "All I did was tell the truth," she murmured uncomfortably.
"Then you're a dirty, mutinous revolutionary," Tek replied, hesitation forgotten. "And you, and your truth-telling, make other governments nervous. And it's my sworn duty to eliminate any threat to the bureaucracy I blindly obey!"
She stared up at him in...awe? Was that awe? Probably awe, he saw that look a lot. Clearly, she was awed by his devotion to duty. Or perhaps simply by his presence.
"You do...hear yourself when you talk...right?" she finally asked.
Waving her poisonous honeyed words away, Tek said boldly, "I don't have time to listen! Not when there's a whole universe to be saved!"
"That's...strangely noble."
"That's just the kind of guy I am," Tek replied, tilting his head regally as a stray breeze entered the room to ruffle his hair. Then he aimed his laser pistol again. "And the kind of guy I am is duty-bound to kill the kind of girl you are."
"Wait a minute, wait a minute!" she cried, raising her hands again to push at the air. "Settle down! Just...wait! Now I love my planet. I love my planet and I am proud of it. I am proud of the people, and of their accomplishments. But in no way does that mean I should have to sit idly by while those put into power to protect it neglect their duties in favor of following their own petty, self-serving interests and committing atrocities to do so!"
As Satiria continued to speak, Tek felt something welling up inside of him. He hadn't even heard of Zen before the briefing two days ago, but suddenly he felt for it. He believed in the basic common decency of every living being on its honorable surface, and he briefly felt the urge to swear his pistol and his life toward furthering its greater good.
Lowering his laser pistol, Tek shook himself. "Solar plexus," he murmured to himself, staring at Satiria as she spoke with eloquence and passion. He was usually all for women speaking with passion, but this was a different kind of passion. This was the kind of passion that made up for her tiny, tiny stature. It made her eyes glow and her cheeks flush and her breasts heave. Oh how her breasts heaved.
He suddenly understood exactly how this small, modest woman had incited an entire planet to action.
She was the kind of woman who could make Tek Jansen disobey a direct order. (All those other times didn't count. Those were because he knew better, not because someone made him believe in a cause that had nothing to do with him.)
No wonder Command considered her a priority alpha threat.
"It's right there in the Standard Laws of Writ our society was founded on: 'And should the government fail in its appointed duty, so then must the people be charged with its removal'!"
She appeared to have reached the end of her impassioned, impromptu speech and was staring at him pleadingly, begging with her blue, blue eyes for understanding.
"That's all I did," she whispered. "I just pointed that out. Anyone could've done that."
Tek's heart went out to her as he murmured, "No one did."
Satiria looked down and glanced away. "Yeah, well...I'm sure someone would've. ...Eventually."
She really had no idea, it appeared. How she was hailed as a hero by the people of Zen Momentia. How she had set into motion the first bloodless revolution in her planet's history. How powerful she and her words really were.
Eyes widening suddenly, Tek lowered his laser. She didn't know. If there was one thing more dangerous than a rebel, it was one who was aware of their power. That meant that, by definition, Satiria's threat level was significantly lower.
And that meant that there was no longer a priority alpha threat, so his mission had been carried out successfully.
That just left the matter of an attractive female cruelly imprisoned by the one remaining pocket of supporters of a heartless government clinging to the last vestiges of its former power and glory. Tek knew exactly what to do in that situation.
Explosions rang out behind them as Tek flew them out of the makeshift prison, Satiria clutched to his thick, muscular chest, her tiny fingers digging into rock hard shoulders and her head ducked under his rugged chin.
Fighting his way out of there had reduced his uniform to mere shreds, and mostly all that covered him was the political prisoner in his arms. Satiria did not appear to have noticed. At least, if the lack of arousal in her whimpers was any indication.
Arousal could wait, though. (Even if beating his foes six kinds of bloody did get the ol' juices flowing.) Right now, Tek Jansen intended to get them to his ship and on their way out of the Jooziast System before the explosive chain reaction obliterated the over-mined and thus already unstable moon that this base had been hidden away on.
All that stood in his way was a desperate handful of fanatical geurillas and three solid feet of densium.
Will they escape? After they escape, will Satiria finally be overcome with lust, as have hundreds of females before her, and rip the remnants of Tek's clothing from his devastatingly perfect physique? Will we finally achieve peak Tek nudity?! All this and more in the next installment of..."Tek Jansen and the Daily Girl!: A Tek Jansen Adventure"!