eyes: easy/lucky/free part 2 on anva's legacy sclera.

Mar 06, 2009 00:09

So, I know that someone has already put kinemortophobia's second set of Easy/Lucky/Free eyes on Maxis sclera, but I've already used part one on Anva's sclera in my game and I'm a little OCD about things matching perfectly and having a complete set of something. So! I've gone ahead and put them on Anva sclera myself. Yeah, it's incredibly redundant, but it was an experiment in editing eyes and playing around with SimPE and I think I might even eventually do some Sarhra recolors myself... someday.

Anyway! If you love Phobia's eyes and Anva's sclera as much as me, here they are in case you'd like them too. :D

Download Geneticized + Townified
See gigantic preview of all 21 eyes (minus Take It Easy, since I realized I'd messed it up halfway through editing this picture and to go back and redo it - Take It Easy IS included in the set though!)

I've also included defaults! All of the choices are the as Phobia's selections. Previews coming... um... later. >__>;;;

Brown Defaults
1. Make War
2. Sunrise Sunset
3. Supriya

Dark Blue Defaults
1. Old Soul Song
2. Seashell Tale
3. Take It Easy

Gray Defaults
1. Laura Laurent
2. The Big Picture
3. Lila

Green Defaults
1. A New Arrangement
2. Weather Reports
3. Invisible Gardener

Light Blue Defaults
1. Drunk Kid Catholic
2. I've Been Eating
3. Love Is Real

Omg done. @____@;;;


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