Manic Music & Distribution today confirms its preparations for a benefit show and other collection efforts to directly aid members of Crowbar, Soilent Green, Eyehategod and Goatwhore - all suffering substantial losses in the wake of Hurricane Katrina.
HI there, debunkingwhite mod here, can you please e-mail me about your membership request at sparkle.shortz at gmail? Please include your username in the e-mail or subject line. Thanks!
Comments 6
Manic Music & Distribution today confirms its preparations for a benefit show and other collection efforts to directly aid members of Crowbar, Soilent Green, Eyehategod and Goatwhore - all suffering substantial losses in the wake of Hurricane Katrina.
debunkingwhite mod here, can you please e-mail me about your membership request at sparkle.shortz at gmail? Please include your username in the e-mail or subject line. Thanks!
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