Day 6 of BrBa Appreciation Week. The Cast.
My Top Five Favourite Bryan & Aaron Youtube Vids (please add more in comments!).
1. Bryan's speech to Aaron at the 'Felina' cemetery screening. I cried my eyes out first time watching this. Walt may never have given this kind of love and affirmation to Jesse but it's so heart warming to see Bryan giving it to Aaron at the end of the show.
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2) Funny interview with the usual 'Aaron has a major man crush on Bryan' jokes, but it ends with a very touching moment when Bryan says he's not really a mentor to Aaron and Aaron jumps in to say Bryan is a mentor to him and he wants him to know that.
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3) Conan interview where Bryan shares his favorite fan letter from a BrBa fangirl who has a fantasy of having sex with Aaron Paul while Bryan Cranston watches. And I have to agree. That does sound like a good time.
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4) Bryan and Aaron's iconic entrance to Comic Con 2012 in hazmat suits with the huge crowd of BrBa fans going wild. The presenter only has to say the word "Yo..." and the fans start to go nuts. These two are such legends.
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5. Very nicely put together Bryan & Aaron Bromance fanvid. Includes Bryan and Aaron thanking each other in their Emmy speeches which also makes me teary. This real life friendship remains the perfect antidote to all my Walt & Jesse angst.
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Additional! One other favorite Bryan and Aaron vid that I couldn't embed, but it is a must-see:
Bad Memories. It includes Bryan discussing how Aaron looks gorgeous as a woman while he makes one of the ugliest women imaginable (awww. It's so true!) All my thanks to
My Baby Blue for the Bryan & Aaron goodies she uploaded from the BluRay set I can't afford. Thank YOU!!
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