Okay. The Shameless Finale. Oh. OMFG.
My reactions...going through my head right now...
- Jimmmmmmmmmmmmmmy!!!!! You're not fucking DEAD!! Gah!!
- Frank and Sheila are still totally married. Ha! I kind of want Sammie to go away now too.
- Aww, Poor Carl got Karen'd by his little girlfriend.
- Oh Ian!!
lenina20 called it, saying Ian was bipolar, not on drugs. OMG, poor Ian, poor Micky, poor Gallagher kids. I'm glad they have resolved the conflict between Mickey, his dad and his Russian wife, because Ian's mental illness is going to be a much more compelling story. OMG, and I have to wait almost a year to see this story. Noooooo!
- Lip and Mandy in the diner. Not a fan of this ship but still found that moment really heartbreaking.
- Fiona's got out of jail and got her shit together! Good girl.
- Fiona & Debbie hug, *guh, I will not cry, I will not cry* Carl and Liam run up and join them *GAH, totally crying!*
- Fiona & Lip scenes are still the best. The very very best.
- Love love loved Carl rescuing Frank from the hospital and Frank's "Fuck you, I'm still here" speech to God. But then *heart breaks* Frank pushing the alcohol on Carl after Lip's comment that alcoholism is inherited through the nurture side. Noooooo! Carl!!
- JIMMY is not dead! Jimmy/Steve/Jack is fucking back! I'm still not over it...
- Like, I told myself that if there was no hint of Jimmy being alive before the end of S4 then he probably really was dead. So when the credits started to roll I was like, oh well then *sigh* ...and then AAAAGGGHHHHH!! Jimmy!! How are you still alive and still pretty and still riding around in a fantastic car? I suspect that being a total man-slut is part of it.
- OMG, when is S5? WHEN?? I need it nowwwwww!
No, I haven't even watched Game of Thrones yet.