TMI Meme

Mar 31, 2009 19:18

01. Full name: Euram Barows

02. Best friend: Sigurd

03. Sexuality: Princesses Straight or so far in the closet even I'm not sure.

04. Favorite color: A favorite amongst the multitude that can be enjoyed in a single vision?! Red.

05. Relationship status: Quite single.

06. Ideal mate: Whoever daddy tells him it is. Someone mothering, who he can idealize and worship and will take care of him in return.

07. Turn-ons: This was seriously the hardest one in the list, since he has very little experience >.>. He has trouble distinguishing between friendship's and romance at times. So many of the same things that attract him to a person; praise, being nice to him etc. apply. Other than that, I don't know time will tell.

08. Last sexual experience: ... the present Daddy bought him a few years ago, and he doesn't want to talk about it.

09. Favorite food: Fruit dipped in chocolate

10. Crushes: Lymsleia Jewel, Josephine, Cecile, Sigurd for awhile because of that difficulty with friendships vs romance. Also he's decided that Belle is cute.

11. Favorite music: Anything with an artistic air! He especially likes deep melodies played with many instruments that one can get lost in. Unless Gizel likes which case it's terrible.

12. Biggest fear: That everyone will know of all of the terrible things he has done and shun him from everywhere forcing him to live his life alone like the wretch he is.

13. Biggest fantasy: Are we talking sexually here or not? Not sexually; His fantasy would be to do something so right he's recognized as better than his brother and/or Gizel. Sexually; his fantasy would be to be ordered around and basically be the sub in a dominatrix setting.

14. Quirks in bed: He's a snuggler. He's used to sleeping with teddy bears, people are even better even if they tend to move on their own instead of staying put like they should. not that he would know

15. Bad habits: ...I'm going to stick to just a few because I don't have the character space nor time for all of them. 1. Instantly assumes that everyone is out to get him. 2. Acts pompous when unnerved.

16. Biggest regret: That he doesn't know what happened to his mother, and he's too scared to return to Falena and see the grave he knows must be there.

17. Best kept secrets: He can't keep secrets...he tries, but it's only a matter of time. I guess...maybe it's that he actually considers Roy a friend, but is mean to him because he doesn't want to admit that to himself.

18. Last thought: ...I was just trying to help.

19. Worst sexual/romantic experience: Romantic experience; The attempt at a double date with Lymsleia, Sigurd and Geddoe that ended with Toma coming too, everyone dripping wet and Lym not speaking to him.

20. Biggest insecurity: That he will never be as good as Hiram, and therefor is unable to make his family proud.
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