Who: Euram and Freyjadour
What: Frey finally corners Euram so he can't run away from talking to him.
When: After
Euram's date with Jewel (coming soon)
Where: The Cafe
Frey- ::He's been looking around for at least a half an hour for Euram, but not wanting to ask anyone in case they will tip the young noble off. Finally... he enters the cafe and spots the blonde he's been hunting for.::
Euram: ::sitting at the table in the café with a quill and paper in front of him, completely oblivious to his surroundings::
Frey- ::Comes up behind him, hoping he'll be able to block his escape route that way.:: Excuse me... Euram?
Euram: Ah! ::pen all but flies out of his hand, and he scrambles to catch it, but it misses and puts a giant black blob in the middle of his paper:: …Y..What were you thinking you oaf?! ::spins around, and looks of anger turn to look of panic:: ….
Frey- ::Holds his hands out in a gesture of what he hopes is friendliness.:: I'm sorry... I wanted to talk to you. Please.
Euram: Speak with me? Haha…about what? I have been up to nothing! What lies have you been told?
Frey- ::Shakes his head.:: It's nothing bad. I was hoping you would tell me why you keep running from me.
Euram: …What absurdity is that?! Haha, I have no reason to run from you! Hahaha. Nay, with our past I would think you would be far more wise to run from me…why who knows what brilliant plans have been able to concoct.
Frey- ::Blinks.:: ... then why do you shriek and run?
Euram: …I have no idea what you’re talking about, as I most definitely do not shriek. However if I ever walked briskly away it was because I have a great deal of work to do! As I do now! Good day.
Frey- ... you are impossible Euram. Should I even bother talking to you about the other important matter I came to talk about?
Euram: ::still in the process of grabbing all of his supplies to leave:: I would be only too happy to converse about any matter…given the proper amount of time of course.
Frey- ... ::D ecides to bait him.:: I wanted to discuss the possibility of you marrying Lymsleia.
Euram: ::CHOKES and drops everything on the table:: Wh..What?! Sh..she has returned and..What are you talking about?!
Frey- ::Folds his arms across his chest.:: She has not, but you have to have my approval to have a chance.
Euram: ….. ….. ROY!
Frey- Excuse me? ::Looks offended. He likes Roy, but this is getting old.::
Euram: Don’t pretend to be innocent you..scoundrel! ::sits down, and gives ‘Roy’ a snooty and offended glare:: If I had any inkling the annoyance you would become I would never have given you that outfit. In fact…this is quite enough! I demand it back!
Frey- ... I take it back. You will never have my blessing for Lym. ::Gives him an offended look and mumbles something about Gizel being better than him.::
Euram: ::heard that last remark and jumps to his feet, almost like he might tackle ‘Roy’:: ..You…You take that back! I am far better than him! Lymselia said so herself!
Frey- ::Looks at him coldly.:: I sincerely doubt that. You have mocked me from the beginning, Euram. From that time in the council hall where you touched my sister without leave to.
Euram:…How did you find out about that? Unless..no..because the real prince would know that I did not harm the lovely princess in anyway! I gallantly chose to wait for that joy until after the sacred games after Miss Miakis’ plea.
Frey- ::Just watched him, effectively looking down his nose at Euram even if the noble is taller. His jaw is set and he looks pretty peeved.::
Euram: ::it’s starting to dawn on him, but he doesn’t want it to believe it:: …My, you have gotten far better at that look…Roy?
Frey- ::Narrows his eyes.:: Want to tug my hair again and run away screaming?
Euram: …. Well then why would you say such a thing? Oh I see, you have found some new way to mock me by using your precious sister’s name. For shame.
Frey- Me? Mock you? I wouldn't stoop to your level. I was going to give you a chance.
Euram: And why should I believe you on that? Ha! Offering a blessing like that to an enemy…it is preposterous.
Frey- I never considered you an enemy. But if you are determined to be one, then so be it. ::Turns his back on Euram.::
Euram: More lies! If you did not you never would have abandoned my father and I and stolen Luserina. ::doesn’t really believe these things himself anymore, but Frey is a good person to take his frustration out on:: It was your decision to become enemies.
Frey- That is a crock of lies and you know it.
Euram: What? That we helped you in your time of need and in return you destroyed us?!
Frey- I'm not dignifying that with an answer. ::Starts to walk off.::
Euram: ::refuses to allow him the last word as he works himself into a hysteria:: Obviously because you do not have one.
Frey- ::Looks over his shoulder. If looks could kill...:: Do not speak to me again. And if you lay even a mental hand on my sister you will regret it.
Euram: ::wilts back from the look, but too mad to stop from yelling at him:: I would do nothing of the sort! Not for your sake, but hers! Even though she allowed my touch on more than one occasion and your blessing is far from needed!
Frey- ::Stops.... turns... and advances back toward Euram.:: ... what did you do to Lym!?
Euram: ::backing away from him naturally, but still looking haughty:: Why comforting her in her time of need of course. Why it would be horridly ungentlemanly to allow such a flower to suffer! ::talking about the hug he received a year ago::
Frey- I will not ask again. What did you do to my little sister!?
Euram: Ah, well if you will not ask again then I can continue on my merry way.
Frey- Answer me.
Euram: No! If I have no power here than neither do you!
Frey- I'll just be going to tell my mother you touched her daughter, then. ::Glares.::
Euram: ::now he’s scared again::..tc.h..I will deny it! The Queen wouldn’t possibly care…A.after all it was just a hug! A comforting gesture to bring a smile again to the princess’s face! It was not as though it were similar to after the boat trip! Besides I was the one who decided it would cease!
Frey- I guarantee you... she will care. And Sun Rune or not, you will face her wrath.
Euram: …I was jesting! I did no such thing!
Frey- ::Clearly does not believe him, based on the look he's giving the young noble.::
Euram: …It was all completely appropriate! And as I said I ceased all entreaties to her…why…I have done the right thing I will not allow you smear my name further than you already have!
Frey- ::Looks ready to explode.:: What did you do!? Smear your name? You? You're the one that slanders others. I have said nothing about your activities.
Euram: You just threatened to bring the Queen’s wrath upon me for a perceived infraction which is a complete fallacy!
Frey- ::Looks disgusted.:: Yes, I did. Because you have done something indecent to my sister and refuse to tell me what! I can only assume the worst.
Euram: I have never done anything indecent to the fair princess! How dare you impugn on my honor. I said it was merely a hug…which she requested! I am through speaking with you since you are incapable of hearing or are merely looking for more ways to slander me!
Frey- ... a hug? ::It's like all the fire went out of him and fizzled... or he deflated. Take your pick, He just looks tired now.:: Why didn't you just say so to begin with, you hot-headed... ::Sigh.:: No, Euram. I'm fed up with your attitude towards me. If you woo my sister properly, I will consider you.
Euram: It is not my fault you are incapable of listening. As you did not hear that I am no longer seeking the princess’s hand. Good day! ::grabs his things and starts storming off::
Frey- ........ ::D oes something uncharacteristic and grabs for Euram's arm... and he does his best imitation of Ferid's scolding voice.:: Stop behaving like a spoiled little brat!
Euram: ….. Unhand me! What do you think you’re doing?! ::shrinking back as much as he can::
Frey- ::Gives him a smack... fairly light, but still a smack... unless he dodges.:: You shame your own sister with your behavior! Do you know how often she apologized for you!?
Euram: ::raises a hand to his cheek appalled and pained by the slap and words:: …You’re a liar! You stole her and turned her against us so that I would have to apologize a million times over to even get her to speak with me! It is all your fault! Let me go!
Frey- Luserina came with us all on her own, and she is one of the best people I have ever had the privilege of knowing. ::Glares and lets go of him.:: Unlike you.
Euram: …. Shut up! ::Turns around trying to leave. feels like crying and instead lashes out over his shoulder:: You’re just a prince…your opinion means nothing.
Frey- ... ::Blinks at him, and smiles this smile that says he knows he's worthless.:: I know.
Euram: ::back was too him so he missed the smile:: Hmpf! ::storms away, hoping he won’t have yet ANOTHER bruise on his flawless face::
Frey- ::D ecides not to chase, and go find somewhere peaceful to sit for a while.::